Sony is in a very unique position right now to totally contrast itself opposite of ALL this negative publicity about MS, all they have to do is come out and verify that "Everything you hate about Xbox, we are doing it right, because we care about the players."
@tcx487 Best time not to do it, they could draw a clear contrast with MS, be like "This is why you should buy PS4 instead of Xbox! We won't screw you with nickel and diming"
There's no such thing as "fair/honest journalism"...well there is, but they're not on cable, because fair/honest is boring, and doesn't get ratings, unbiased newspapers don't sell as much, same deal with magazines and online publications. There is a very powerful thing called confirmation bias, people like to have their beliefs reaffirmed, and will often dismiss the contrary, or even a balanced view that doesn't fall in lockstep with their own.
bluefox755's comments