I hope not, so many rumors about MS and Sony making their system stupid...I buy Sony and MS because they AREN'T Wii...if next gen ends up being as stupid as the rumors would indicate, I'm sticking with PC exclusively.
yeah, what's wrong with games being fun? Why do they have to aspire from mindless fun to a pretentious arthouse offering or a vehicle for political ideology, I'll probably play Bioshock infinite, but not because the devs are liberals who think it's important to caricature folks with opposing beliefs as an oppressive fringe crowd. Now, darker, more mature themes? Sure I'm all for that, loved walking dead, witcher, etc. I also like mindless bloody gore fest games too, cause it's fun...I can do without hipster/elitist ideological 'enlightenment' in my video games, some folks want that, cool, but some folks don't, that should be ok too :)
@LacksInSanity @hector530 @Alecmrhand @analogjunkie24 politician is a politician, no matter what side of the fence they are on...the one's that actually care and want to fix things are a small minority, and usually slandered by PACs.
@hector530 @lwarkentin1 @Kravyn81 no, nail the crazies! I'm all for that, but no one on your side of the aisle is talking about that. Check for mental health history...but that won't be enough. What if they never received treatment or a diagnosis? And there's that whole pesky doctor/patient confidentiality thing, which raises another problem in itself.
@hector530 @bluefox755 @Kravyn81 So he owned the gun legally, didn't break any laws, then one day decided to kill people? Wonder what caused that? Must have been the gun that made him decide to kill people :/
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