Not sure how much of an impact the Kinect drop will have, unless people were avoiding purchase on principle alone. Before they dropped the Kinect, there were already great X1 deals that were considerably better values than a $399 Kinect-less X1, for example, $450 with Kinect, Titanfall, and Forza 5. These kind of insane deals didn't seem to have much sales impact, so unless people just REALLY hate the Kinect, I'm not sure how much it will help.
I don't know why people are so needy. If you like the game, great, if not, that's cool too, no reason to seek validation from some reviewer on the internet.
@Blue_Tomato These games are story driven, I'm not sure anyone goes into this expecting exciting gameplay, it seems like you're judging the game as something it's not, nor is it trying to be.
@dani_i89 I like the ds3, but I know lots of people don't, have you tried the ds4? it seems to address the things about the last controller that people didn't like, I haven't heard many complaints.
I enjoyed this game, but he makes some valid points, and I'm certainly not about to get angry because some one else on the internet doesn't like a game as much as I do.
@rasterror Some of those aren't that good though thh, also some of those are available for PC as well, which doesn't really make it exclusive :P PS3 had Uncharted, Resistance, MGS, GoW, Infamous, Last of Us, Killzone, Little Big Planet, Ni No Kuni, Valkyria Chronicles, Demon Souls, Ratchet and Clank, Heavy Rain, Beyond 2 Souls, Gran Turismo, Journey and all the sequels within. Most receiving critical acclaim. I'm sure there are more that I'm not thinking of as well. I owned both consoles last gen, and tbh if I was more of a fan of FPS games I would have likely stuck with the 360 90% of the time, but I just felt like PS3 had a greater variety.
@rasterror Lol, I have to disagree, I have, and loved my 360, but exclusives left something to be desired if you didn't like shooters, you basically had Gears, Halo, and Forza...
To make Kinect relevant they're gonna need a gaming application sooner rather than later, Fighter Within and Kinect sports suck, they're not recapturing the wave of novelty they did with the original Kinect which churned out tons of games (most were garbage, but people were still buying into the idea). When you regularly see people who say they literally never took their kinect out of it's wrapping, you might want to consider some changes.
bluefox755's comments