Eh, I guess it's run it's course, the bit is only funny so many times, better to go out on a high note. That being said, there are other shows that I'd cancel before this one.
Xbox fanboys like to rip on indies, but the market is getting bigger, Sony is smart for embracing them. The AAA market is so stagnant right now, and has been slowing steadily for years with the increase of development costs and all. MS would be smart to do the same thing, because, why not? No real downside to it, and it doesn't get in the way of AAA titles.
@nazgoroth Well, your 'predictions' aside, as I said, there's not much good for exclusives, on either console. Personally I'm looking forward to infamous, might be great, might not be, but if it were, it'd be the first good exclusive of next gen.
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