Major confusion.
[spoiler] I've had a great deal of difficulty keeping track of the Ricin throughout the seasons. First a vial was made for Tuco, it was thrown out by Hector (IIRC). Then Walt and Jesse made another vile, this time to take Gus out. This was packed in a cigarette in Jesse's smokes to use whenever needed when he was close to him. Now for some reason it's taped on the underneath of an power outlet cover in Walt's house, which he put in there in God knows what time-line when they continually jump back and forth. Now it's still there after the house is deserted.
There are two vials, one in the sig pack and one in Walt's house? What for? For Walt to try to poison Brock to turn Jesse against Gus? I only remember one for getting rid of Gus, that's it. There was very little talk about Brock tbh, barely any scenes, and now such a minimal plot point seems to be of paramount importance to everyone's downfall.
I like when the show plays around with the past/present (you never know where things are), but it's becoming a problem because I'm trying to keep track on a single (multiple?) items when the show's continaully jumping all over the place chronologically. And also, isn't the kid on the bike that shot Jesse's dealer friend related to Brock (or his mother/Jesse's GF?) in some way? [/spoiler]
Can someone help me explain this, because this sudden focus on the cig is totally screwing me up.
Let's see, from memory...[spoiler] There have only been two vials of ricin so far.
The first one was early in season two, where Walt and Jesse tried to poison Tuco. Hector threw that one on the floor.
The second one was one of the larger plot points of season four. Walt made the ricin to poison Gus, and convinced Jesse to store it in a cigarette, so that Jesse could apply it whenever the option arose.
When that didn't work (or Walt started to distrust Jesse, or whatever), Walt had Huell steal the cigarette from Jesse. Saul kept the ricin cigarette in his office drawer.
Meanwhile, Walt poisons Brock with the Lily of the Valley, but Jesse thinks that Brock has been poisoned with the ricin cigarette. Jesse doesn't think that he has misplaced the cigarette, so he (rightly) suspects that Huell stole the cigarettes for Walt, and almost kills Walt. Instead, Walt manipulates Jesse into thinking that Gus poisoned Brock with the ricin, and Jesse feels so bad about almost killing Walt that he helps Walt kill Gus.
Once Gus is dead, Jesse learns that Brock wasn't poisoned by the ricin after all. Walt manipulates Jesse into thinking that it doesn't really matter, and that Gus needed to die anyway.
In the closing shot of the season, the audience pieces it all together - Walt poisoned Brock after all, with the Lily of the Valley.
*** Season Five (part 1?) ***
Walt clears away the Lily of the Valley, and retrieves the ricin cigarette from Saul. Walt removes the ricin, then makes a fake ricin cigarette full of sugar. He places the fake cigarette in Jesse's Roomba, tricking Jesse into thinking that Brock's poisoning was an unfortunate coincidence (and also freaking Jesse out, who now believes that his carelessness almost killed a kid).
Walt places the cigarette in the wall socket. It stays there for most of the season - although he does retrieve temporarily in case he needed to poison Lydia.
Jesse begins to realise that Walt is a monster, when he catches him whistling after they disposed of the dead kid. Jesse also suspects Walt of killing Mike.
*** Season Five (part 2?) ***
Jesse realises more and more that Walt killed Mike. When Walt denies it, Jesse further realises that Walt has been manipulating him the entire time.
Jesse confronts Walt with his suspicions in the desert, but Walt manipulates him into trusting him once again. However, once Jesse notices that Huell stole his dope (and fumblingly pulls out his cigarette packet), it all clicks - Huell stole the ricin cigarette, and thus Walt really was behind Brock's poisoning (as Jesse suspected right from the start). Saul confirms this while begging for his life. Rage-time.
At this point, the ricin is still in Walt's house, in the wall socket.
A year later, Walt returns to his ruined house and retrieves the ricin from the wall socket.
So...eh, I wouldn't call it a "sudden focus", although I can understand that people might miss a link or two in the chain and completely lose track of it all.
[spoiler] This plot thread hasn't come out of nowhere, and Jesse didn't pick it up too quickly - it has been two(?) seasons in the making, shown quite frequently to the audience, has been important in a few other episodes, and has been building up each episode of this season (and earlier). [/spoiler]
*I hope this doesn't sound snappy?
That makes sense except....
[spoiler] are you saying walt manipulated jesse into thinking that gus stole the ricin cigarette from him to poison brock? But wouldnt jesse find it hard to believe how gus wouldve somehow known he had the ricin and somehow stole it from him? I find it hard to believe jesse was fooled by that. Unless I'm missing something because I don't remember much. [/spoiler]
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