@GetafixOz @alhussainnaseer Games can be so much more than entertainment escapism. They can bleed into how we think and approach life, much like art, music, and movies can. Journey has enough structure to be an approachable analogy for life, but enough vagueness for the player to reflect their own life experiences off it. For something that is so raw and simple is powerful enough to make people cry and inspire people to do greater things in life. I have never experienced a game that evokes that kind of emotion on such a massive scale.
@alhussainnaseer if this was only about gameplay, then you would be right. But this is overall, and Journey is only game on this list that is dramatically change the way we think of and develop video games in the future.
@D3dr0_0 @bm_zero Yeah, you're complaining about game length is equivalent to quality. Movies vs TV series is a pretty relevant analogy. A game doesn't have to be long to be a masterpiece.
@D3dr0_0 man you must hate all movies too, I mean why watch a movie when TV series are far longer. It's not like a movie can be better than a TV series, it's just too short.
@pw2003 @Anon_J oh man you must surely have played that game to know this, oh wait you didn't. You admit to not having played the full game only 4 posts up. Congratulations you have completely invalidated yourself.
@punisher70 This is the GS Staff's game of the year pick, not the people's choice. Expect the People's Choice to be with nothing but sequels whether they were good or not.
bm_zero's comments