Well, out of those two I would say Dark Elf, but overall I would say Brenton or High Elf because of their magic abilities.
bmart970's forum posts
First of all, Halo wouldn't be the same with destructable envirionments or more gore. That's not Halo, that's Battlefield. Secondly, how can you ever base a game off of what you have read? Bungie was an amazing developer, and they have proved themselves through Halo. I wish they were still in charge of making the games.
I was just wondering about the preorder benefits from this game. I know that if you preorder it in July you could recieve a code for Nuketown 2025, but I was going to hold off. Does anyone know if you will get all of the preorder codes as long as you proeorder at some point or not?
You could simply stop your progress in the Dawnguard and go do the Companions and other quests, and when you are happy with your quest progress return to the Dawnguard quest. I don't know much about leveled loot though.
From what I understand: no.
Well, this is more of a generic response for anymission that you are stuck on at an early level, but I would reccomend lowering the difficulty momentarily. If this doesn't work then you should attempt to exit the area and come back later when you are a higher level. Another way to try to beat him would be to sneak, but that may not work given the area and your low level. If all else fails though, I would reccomend simply restarting since you have just started anyway. Reguardless of if you restart you would want to ensure you have enough potions and decent weapons before you enter a combat area in the future.
It's actually very easy to tell lol.demon565
Yeah... REALLY easy. The store fronts are different, the advertisements are more in focus, Burger Town is now in Russian, and the coloring is different- less dusty- than that of MW2.
I'd go with SMGs for close quarter combat and ARs for medium to longer range combat. I would also reccomend trying an objective based mode and trying to either play the objective well or kill those who are distracted with the objective. Also, if possible, get a friend who is better than you to play on your team with you.
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