bmcookie797's forum posts
For me I am getting all three Too Human to get my hack and slash and RPG fix until Fallout 3 and Fable 2 come out. Mercs 2 because I like games that blow things up. And Star Wars: The Force Unleashed because it looks so clean and the use of the force looks sweet cannot wait til the demo comes out later this month.
Who really cares Avatars is such a minor thing and the grand scheme of things look at the update in its entirety. First you can party up essentially anytime and you can now use your netflix membership on the 360. Also you can download games to the 360 and have faster loading times. Avatars will neither hurt or help gameplay so who really cares.
I have no XBLA games right now but I think I am going to get Fable II pub games and Bionic Commando Rearmed
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