MW3 all the way. KZ2 was way better than KZ3 and theres too much running around in the battlefield series for my liking, takes too long to find someone to kill. and resistance just feels like a poor mans halo.
how do you guys stay excited for an anual rehash of an outdated game engine?
bf3 if you want tactical gameplay overloaded with idiot "arena-based shooter" players who never play their classes or the objectives, and who would rather vehicle spawn camp or camp in the mountains with a sniper rifle so he can brag about his 2.0 kdr. (3.25)
r3 if you want fast paced fun where campers can't dominate (4.xx)
killzone if you want overpowered classes and cheap kills/deaths everywhere (3.30)
mw3 if you never get tired of buying the same game every year (2.81 mw2/ 2.70 bo). i actually liked black ops for a call of duty game. i only sold it because it felt too familiar and i got $32 for it. that and store credit covered my $40 mk9 back in april, lol.
i know someone is going to say i "suck" b/c of the words i chose in my post, so i put my kdrs in parenthesis. i personally found r3 to be the most fun
Nobody is gonna say you suck, everybody has their own opinions on certain games.excuse me, then. i guess i'm just being overly defensive. on the other forums that i've been to, such as battlelog, gamefaqs, and gametrailers, people tend to name call when they disagree. i rarely come here because the traffic isn't as fast as the others.
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