Agh, there's so many games to play! Civilization III was pretty much my favorite game, so I had to get Civ IV, and now I'm addicted to that. Problem is is that I had to buy Oblivion as well, which I'm also addicted to (addicted to two games at once...I hate it when that happens!). Then, of course, as an avid D&D player, I needed D&D Online: Stormreach. However, since I'm addicted to the other two games, I've only played it, like, twice, and I'm not even sure I remember my log-in information now! Then, of course, as an avid, long-time, classic Age of Empires player I need edAge of Empires III, which, by the way, totally kicks ass! At least in the few games I've played so far...I don't want to be addicted to three games, that would just be hell.
And since I have a new PS2, I'm borrowing Red Faction from a friend, and I'm bound to get addicted to that, and I also want to buy, at the very least, one other game. Also, at the same time, I'm experiencing nostalgia for Age of Empires, Age of Empires II, Descent 3, Jedi Knight, and Battlefield 1942. Add that to the fact that I never gave proper time to Battlefront II, Battlefield 2, Call of Duty 2, or Planetside, I am feeling completely overwhelmed by the number of games I must play!!! HELP!!!! An old (well, young, but you get my drift...) video game (well, computer game) vet is finally feeling the pressure! On another note I'm feeling nostalgia for Star Wars Galaxies as well, but I cancelled my subscription long ago and I'm not planning on restarting it, not to mention they've made some stupid overhauls to the game and my old guild members are almost certainly not around anymore....but still, too many games! I'm going to be crushed under their weight!!!
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