Yeah those are three good ones...I'll throw FF13 in there too. And don't get angry but Gears of War 2 also (I don't have a 360 but the first one was awesome)
So my internet was down for a few days. And I got pretty bored so I played the free windows xp game space cadet pinball. I hadn't played in about 2 years, but I scored after about 4 games 15,265,500 points. I leveled up to the fourth rank or whatever. I'm pretty happy with myself, but i'm sure there are people out there who could cream that score. anyways a surprisingly fun game and I know a lot of people out there have played too. Whats your high score.
IGN's release dates no longer list Buzz coming to PS3. There was a trailer, and I haven't head any news. The first link is to IGN's release dates, and the second is Buzz's IGN page. For some reason it says its out in Australia, and is coming this month to Europe. I don't even want Buzz, I'm more just curious to see how it turns out.
Is that ranked from favorite to least favorite. Not bad though first 4 are really good games. 7.5 if you want a rating. Would be higher but some people have about 30 games.
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