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bobbymcbobob Blog


Today, I woke up with a bizarre urge to find out what posseses people to play that excuse for a game... I mean it takes forever to level up, the graphics are s***house and if your not a member, there's hardly anything to do.

Some people devote their whole lives to that festering turd of a game, cheering whenever they get antoher million dollars (none of which actually exists...) or when they kill a particularly pixelated enemy.

So... if you're a runescape player out there, or a runescape sceptic like me, please post here, and tell me Why do you play that game??

Exams are OVER!!!!!!!!!

I'M FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*cough* so yeah we've just had exams at school, four days of torture, but now I get two days of school off!!!!


Lol too many blogs today

Lol i really should've put all this stuff into one blog but hey...

Today's rant: sequels... I mean what the hell is Hollywood's problem!? Can't they come up with something original once in while. Doesn't it just piss you off that they have to keep recycling old formulas (some of which never worked)? I mean if a movie (or game for that matter) was good to start with, then sure make another as long as they go for quality not... money.

I mean just look at the releases we've had this year... Shrek 3, Pirates of the Caribbean 3, Spiderman 3, Bourne 3 (but those are good movies), Rush Hour 3!!!!!!! Then the numbers go higher, Die Hard 4(.0), Harry Potter 5 and Bond 21 i think it was...

Oh and other movies to look forward too... Bond 22, Harry Potter 6, the Hobbit, Indiana Jones 4 (isn't Harrison Ford 60 or sumthing???), Jurassic Park 4 (isn't Sam Neill also 60???), the Mummy 3, Narnia 2, Sin City 2, a Star f***ing Trek movie as well as 2 more Transformers movies!!!!!

Oh and another thing... movies based on video games... COME ON!!!A movie based on a book i can handle, but on a GAME?? I mean look: Halo the movie, Tekken the movie and Hitman the movie. And we've already had a DOA movie!!! Wasn't that bad enough!?!?!?!?!?

Also, what the hell is Marvel's problem!! YOU'VE MADE ENOUGH CRAP ALREADY!!!!! We don't need a Flash movie, or a Hellboy 2 movie, or a Hulk 2 movie, or an Iron Man movie, or a Justice League movie, or a Magneto movie (which is just Xmen 4 in disguise), or a Spiderman 4 movie, or a Superman 3 or 4 or whatever the hell it is, or a Wolverine movie (that's Xmen 5 (but Hugh Jackman's a good actor so...)) or a Wonder Woman movie... I mean seriously... soon we're gonna have a G.I. Joe movie. Wait, they're already making one!? OMFG!!!!

Yeah... so many s*** movies being made

I have problems...

No not that kind...

There's a couple of things i need to know... why does my banner look retarded, how do you all get urs to fit?

Wait that was only one thing... oh well

"Change is inevitable... except from vending machines"

Steven Wright

Has anyone out there heard of Steven Wright? I think he's got a very... dry... sense of humour, but he's very funny. Examples of his jokes...

The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.

I almost had a psychic girlfriend but she left me before we met.

If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends?

What happens if you get scared half to death twice?

So yeah... funny guy.

Release dates being pushed back

Originally Super Smash Bros Brawl (ssbb) was to be released on the 3rd of December this year in the Americas and on the 4th in Japan. This meant that it would come out early 2008 in Europe and Australia (who's release dates usually coincide with Europe). Now that SSBB has been reconfirmed for the 10th of February 2008 in America, it now means that those in Australia and Europe can only hope that the game comes out before Easter.

Of course this means that there is more time for the developers to make the game as good as it can be, by adding features, refining controls, moves, characters, specs etc etc... This however brings me on to my broader, and rhetorical question... How long can a video game's release date be pushed back before fans should start pouring their hard-earned money into other products?

While I agree that it would be worth waiting for "special" games like Zelda: Twilight Princess or SSBB, I think developers should be more careful in their time-keeping and "release-date making". In recent years, you only need to look back on the most recent "blockbuster" video games to see just how often this is happening. Furthermore, developers are using later and later release dates not only to "improve" the games, but to increase the hype and thus make more money. For example, the GameCube release date of Zelda: Twilight Princess was set a month after the Wii version's release to encourage people who wanted to game to get a Wii,putting more money into the pockets of Nintendo.

Personally I find these money making methods to be scams and as consumers, I believe we have a responsibility to boycott products from companies that do so. While I believe it impractical to boycott a company altogether (we do after all WANT to play their games) if we waited a month after release before purchasing a"blockbuster" game,would we not send a pretty strong message to the companies that, as their market, we do not want to be screwed?

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