bolt2448's forum posts
Well I am still debating if I am going to buy the ELite. Just was courious of how to do it. I see that if you copy arcade games you have, you can not get achivements for them. So I would guess you have to re download them, but what about the saved games. That I what I am thinking. I defanly need more HDD space because I am at 1.3 g left. To many CSI shows.Army_Veterandelete them after watching them, and i mean wth? u can watch them on youtube and myspace for free... the 360 is a gaming system.
How do you think it will be done? Are the people who buys the Elite going to have to move stuff with a memory card?Army_Veteranthere is supposedly gonna be some sort of cable to transfer it, but you can also redownload all your stuff you have downloaded and bought from ur gamer profile, saves arent a big deal most games except like saints row and crackdown it doesnt matter if you lose saves. and oblivion, unless you havent finished games. im most worried about me transferring my stuff to the 120 gig hdd, bcuz i am not getting the elite unless my current system brakes. im interested in the bigger hdd though.
I am for sure. I could care less about Windows live chat or whatever, and an extra blade for marketplace. I wish they would have improved performance on the dashboard and when you hit the xbox button. Also getting ride of arcade trials from games played would have been nice. Thats all i really wanted. Improved performance and getting rid of arcade trials.Friendlyfire53well you can also do up to six person private voice chat
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