"There are a number of other glitches and issues Ubisoft is aware of, such as floating weapons and players falling through the map"- that happens to me since launch of the game if they are aware why didnt massive fixed it yet???
and the mission missing bug they fixing it now for what 5-7th time now still coming back. Im scared of the next 1.3 patch and even when dlc launch..what will they brake next???
@skiggy34: Well i dont blame MS tbh i guess i should blame the state for such taxes and the exchange rates (usd to whatever). Both physical/web shops here and MS/Sony own webstores have same prices for new games,no matter if digital or physical they cost around 80usd for consoles. Pc games on the other hand are usually around that 60usd price point, sometimes cheaper for physical copy.
Ofc xbox players would get mad. Having all 3 systems i dont care which one it comes out on. Best on pc since its cheaper in my country. But as its on win store only im not even interested anymore, with the problems games have (tomb raider and GOW). And its too much on console (more then 80usd)
Thats PR at work to get people preorder the game, ofc its taken out of context and it isnt anything new. They need to do all they can to hype the game up. More people buying more money earned.
Honestly i dont give a..... as long as pc version is cheaper then console one as it is in my country i will be getting it on pc no matter if graphics are hold back or not. If i want better looking graphics i can always rely on modders as they did with watch dogs.
@Tiwill44: the beta will be free, if its true that they will give us open beta. Then i can try it out myself. Game on the other hand its not free. Still not sure if i should buy it. Its expensive here on consoles (standard and gold not even thinking about CE) and if the pc version (which is cheaper) is so full of cheaters and easy to hack as people say, im still not sure about it. watching streams on twitch looks fun but still not sure if worth buying.
People you dont get expansion for free only the so called enhancements if you own base game. The only way the following is included is if you have season pass. Otherwise you have to buy it. Go to dying light site and look:
@nadsat-77: no still have to pay for expansion, not if you have season pass then its included. Season pass cost 20 until december 8 after that it go up to around 30. You get the "enhancements" for free if you own the base game (new difficulty, models,animation etc as mentioned in article).
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