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Ain't kissing you unless you are Carmine

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I have never kissed someone who smokes. I don't smoke myself so I guess that for a non smoker it shouldn't be nice to kiss a smoker. I don't actually kissing my bf after he's drank a beer or a coffee. Both things make me go all ewwwwwwww :?

According to its smell, I don't think that I'd like the taste of nicotine tastes either. But then I wouldn't certainly leave my bf is he started smoking, and for sure I will keep on kissing him anyway. Love is funny like that, pretty much overcoming it all.

Truth is that the trend is to quit smoking. Many people around have quitted but most of them just can't, or don't want to or whatever. I guess they don't really want to, but again I don't smoke so I have no idea how addictive it is.

It is up to everyone anyway. So those of you who don't smoke just don't try it. Those of you who have quitted, congratulations. And those of you who smoke, just bear in mind that I won't tongue kiss you. LOL. Just not a chance :lol:

Aaaaand, for those wondering minds, I'm well aware that Carmine smokes. And yeah, I so would kiss him. Gaaaaaah, I'll so make this exception because I'm such a loser :twisted:

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Calvin and Hobbes is propriety of Bill Watterson and Universal Press Syndicate.

Now look! You got us sent to the principal's office! Gosh! Do you think we'll get paddled?? They can't paddle me! I'm a girl!! What's that got to do with it? Girls have more delicate heinies.

How convenient is to play the girl card sometimes, huh? :lol:

Skills and assets

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Hmm, I was good at making guys noticing me. I wasn't really big at using my charm so clothing it was. I practiced canoeing for 15 years so I had this nice body and as most people, I have always known how to make the most of it.

Let's see...I was tall which for some reason pretty much helped on its own, I had really long and well defined legs so I looked pretty good in miniskirts, and I had a flat belly so I looked cool in short tops or long ones with low cleavages.

On the other hand, I had wide shoulders so I left my hair long and loose to cover them and muscled arms, so I avoided tight sleeves. As you can imagine, and due to the lack of other skills, making a proper selection of clothes helped much indeed :)

I got covered the making guys noticing me but the hard task was to get rid of those whom I wasn't interested in (well, that wasn't that hard actually) and engage those I liked in a nice conversation to keep them still interested. That was just impossible to me :(

I totally s*cked (and I still do) at talking to people I don't know, no matter if I want them around or not, no matter if I'm drunk or not. I just can't utter a word. Ahahaha, well, I wasn't that naïve as to not know that most of those guys didn't give a damn at my orator skills, and were more interested in my oral ones (as if I wasn't sometimes) so those I could handle :wink:

Anyway, cutie targets aside, me and my friends used to socialize in discos or pubs, where the music is that loud that helps loads. Also having a drink in my hand helped because sipping and smiling seemed to work pretty fine as well. Yeah, I was just pathetic but at least I got wasted :lol:

Luckily enough for me, my friends were parrots. Honestly. They weren't that up for showing off their bodies, so there we were, surrounded by guys laughing at their chat while looking at my assets :roll: Well, each one their own, I guess. We all got some anyway :D

So, here it was another chapter of BM's hard teenager years. These "Love is..." thingies have the ability to get me embarrassing mysef further and further. Oh well. Let me finish by adding that I keep being tall but I totally lost that flat belly and defined legs. My muscled arms turned into something flat and my shoulders remain wide. Sexy huh? :lol: Lucky me that my best mate made bf laugh at the proper time :wink:

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Calvin and Hobbes is propriety of Bill Watterson and Universal Press Syndicate.

That dirty Susie Derkins. She'll be sorry if she tries to pass another note. Psst ... Calvin! Pass this secret note to Jessica, okay? Teacher! Susie's passing notes! Take this away and read it in front of thec-lass "Dear Jessica, you know what I hate about Calvin? He's a squealer! Signed, Susie." I hope you know a good dentist, Susie ...

There it is Calvin running into the same brick wall :lol:

Firsts, cats and sheets

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A leap into the unknown. Well, I guess that most of the things that we experience in life for the first time are a lip into the unknown. And certainly love and what being into a relationship means is filled with a lot of firsts and a lot of unknowns.

Scary firsts, funny firsts, exciting firsts, hot firsts, angry firsts... all of them as important on their own (*cough* moving in with your bf *cough*). But, also as almost everything in life, those firsts need to tasted to know if we like them or not. Up for the ride? :wink:

Kika has being killing me today. My parents are on holidays so she misses my mum and she is a bit cranky and pretty fuzzy. She is used to sleep by her side while she pampers her, and I just fall sleep two minutes after turning off the lights. Not to mention that I roll around a lot so I bet that I kick her a couple of times each night, so she was really reluctant to jump to my bed tonight :lol:

A couple of nights before I stretched my mum's bathrobe on my parents' bed, and Kika seemed to love the idea, but it's not working anymore, so I had to get creative. As most of the cats, Kika is really sensitive to the cold, so she loves to lie in the sun and she gets the best place by the heater in winter. So I just decided to place my laptop adapter by her belly, and it worked right fine. She stopped meaowing around and fell asleep. Check it out :D

First she was like :shock: And then like: Mmmhh, ok.
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Then she fell asleep :lol: She still is.
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I know this is really random but I hate folding sheets, especially the bottom ones. I can't really deal with the elastics in those. They are not rectangular, I swear.. :?

I remember that I loved helping my mum folding sheets when I was a kid. Even though my arms weren't long enough to spread them as much as required, my mum never complained about my side of the sheet ending up rather irregularly folded. Pretty much like the one I folded today on my own :lol:

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Calvin and Hobbes is propriety of Bill Watterson and Universal Press Syndicate.

Nosy Calvin :lol:

Fundraising and ranting

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I've never been at any Charity fundraising event. I don't think they are held in here not being for the upper c-lass people. And I hate those events, honestly. Rich people pose for the picture, donate a quantity and leave. Whatever they donated, it's just small change for them. I mean, where's the merit in there?

There are others that contribute with much more less, and anonymously share some of their few savings. Those are really donating whereas rich people just feed their egos making the front page of the "Hello" magazine :roll:

I don't really trust the NGOs either. I'm highly suspicious about the donations reaching their destiny. I bet that, quite on the contrary, they just increase a few pockets and only a minimum percentage is actually put to good use.

Maybe that's just the case here. Recently some 3 NGOs have been on the spot for being fraudulent. Making illegal business out of people's misery just makes me wanna puke. Yeah, I know more elegant words for the same but puke it is :evil:

I know that there are many people doing a really commendable work around the world, but I can't think of a safe means to help them. Not sure either about those street collects. Those people with piggy banks and stickers make me sick. They remember me too badly to my school days.

I went to The Assumption of the Virgin Mary school, a private girls-only Catholic school. Big fun. It was run by nuns. I hated all of them but Mother Teresa (some of you will remember that blog, right?). I know I can't generalize and it's surely not my intention to hurt or offend Catholics since I totally respect everyone's beliefs, but those who preach and then act differently just get on my nerves.

That part of my infancy is one of my reasons to be agnostic. I've seen too much hypocrisy, thanks. Speaking of which, don't get me started about the Catholic Church and its wealth, one blog wouldn't be just enough :roll:

So, back to school, we had one piggy bank in every c-lassroom. If we spoke in c-lass, we had to bring a coin for the piggy bank, or if we ate chewing-gum, had our shoes not properly polished, our socks down, our hair not properly tied, our coat or uniform dirty, if we were late, if we ran, if we rolled up our sleeves...and so on. Of course, they were filled up fast. Coins and more coins for the piggy bank.

I guess I don't need to tell you that the money never reached the Red Cross or whatever. I always suspected that but then I knew for sure, since there was this nun that happened to be a cousin of my mum's aunt or something *shudders* She told me that it was a lot of trouble to gather it all and donate it, so they used it for their own needs. I bet that one of those needs was the catering delivery van coming in every day with the nun's meals. And don't you need to gather it for that? :roll:

This is me at school. See the yellow piggy bank on the bottom right? (By the way, I'm dressed with the traditional Basque outfit, that wasn't my uniform)
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Ahahaha, this is too funny. Some other times, they asked us to bring a wool hank to knit blankets for the poor. And then we watched them walking around with colourful patched shawls and scarfs :lol: Some bit to add to our annual fee.

Anyway, not sure about those Christmas fundraising specials either. I like it though when famous people go in bringing something or their own for an auction (like a musician's guitar, a soccer player's boots or an actor's representative object from a tv series or a movie) but again, how much of the collected money is given away selflessly? :question:

I'm suspicious as well of those bank accounts which are opened when earthquakes and so occur. So I have never contributed to any of those (not being the c-lassroom piggybank). Yeah, I know :oops: But I do bring food to the a homeless shelter and also to this place for abused pets in my city. That really makes me feel like I'm helping those who help others :)

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Calvin and Hobbes is propriety of Bill Watterson and Universal Press Syndicate.

Mum wanted another tiger instead of Calvin? :lol:

Patching up

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Awwww, how sweet was that?

First of all, I would like to thank all and every single one who commented on my last blog and also to those who pm-ed me. Your words were really affectionate, supportive and encouraging. I couldn't possibly express how much I do love you guys It was great to know that whatever life has in store for me, I will never be alone and that I can count on you all. And let me tell you this one thing: that's priceless. You are all awesome like that :D

My apartment still isn't ready to move in but it'll be in the short run so I'll keep you all posted. I know that I'm pretty independent and really jealous of my privacy so I'm afraid that I won't be easy to dealt with on a daily basis. Or maybe it's just pure and simple fright to the unknown.

Whichever the case, I took good note of all your advices: we can't take happiness for granted, so I'll try and make a daily effort to keep the flame burning. I'll take one step at a time and I'll be patient and communicative of my joys and fears. That way, things will start to feel right soon and my little world will make so much sense that my belly will be growing even before I remember how scared I was to create my own family. Whoa, we covered a lot already, huh? :wink:

So patching up it is today, another very important side of love. Well, love sometimes hurt. We may hurt someone's feelings and our feelings may get hurt and most of the times that would be unintentionally. But although stitches always leave a scar and scars ain't pretty, they are always better than having an open and bleeding wound.

Some people just can't say "I'm sorry". Luckily enough for me, that's not my case. Don't let it be yours. It's not that hard to say it, you know? And actually, when you say if from the heart, it sounds like "I love you", doesn't it? And nothing sounds better than that :)

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Calvin and Hobbes is propriety of Bill Watterson and Universal Press Syndicate.

Of twins and bonds

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Well, my bf has a twin so it was a blessing for me that his mum had twins after having 6 kids already :lol: Not so sure about having twins myself though. Well, yeah, I guess it would be a blessing and all, but whoa, sounds like no sleep at all like forever :?

Bf says that it is cool to have a twin because he always had someone to play with, someone to hang out with and basically, he never felt alone. But I like being alone, I actually do need time to be just by myself everyday.

However bf just can't stand being on his own, specially when he is at home. He feels like the ceiling is going to fall over his head. He gets nervous and uneasy. He calls anyone to go have a coffee or he comes over and takes Hotz for a walk :)

I guess it depends on what we are used to. He belongs to a huge family, he grew up in a house full of people, always having his bro by his side whereas on the contrary, I grew up alone and got used to that. So I do need my privacy. Like I do NEED it.

I wouldn't ever be able to share my room with anyone. I couldn't imagine someone coming in and out, turning on the lights when I am sleeping, or turning on the radio while I am reading. I wouldn't stand anyone doing whatever around me in a small room. Sounds like the most annoying thing to me :evil:

So we'll see when we move together. It's not gonna be easy, that I can tell. But well, we won't be the first ones who moved together and won't be the last. And if people manage to adapt themselves to each other and live together, I guess that we will as well. At least hope that we do :)

It scares me though. I mean, I sometimes have the feeling that most of the people have kids because after living together for a while, they reach that stage where nothing is new any more, nothing is fun any longer. As if they can't stay alone just with each other and need something to bond them together.

Alright, I'm sorry. I turned it into something pretty personal. I dunno if I made any sense whatsoever, I was just speaking my mind out loud, and I'm sorry for the boredom, but it's something that it's been bugging me lately. Maybe because my actual moving in is getting closer and, as much as I want to do it, I'm starting to freak out. Maybe because I'm a helpless mess :)

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Calvin and Hobbes is propriety of Bill Watterson and Universal Press Syndicate.

Photoshop and a quiz

Hmmm, Photoshop moment at Spanish soccer league :roll:

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(Sorry Brina, I don't get "Love is..." bits on Sundays:( )

And don't bother to read further. Just me being bored.


first real friend: Carolina
first school: The Assumption of Virgin Mary
first cell phone: Hello Moto
first funeral: My cousin Jon
first pet: Nina, a dog.
first real trip: Galicia.
first flight: Bilbao to Ireland.
first celebrity crush(s): Kevin Costner :oops: and Sting.
first job: Stationery, books and toys place in a Mall


last person you hugged: Bf
last car ride: From San Sebastian home.
last time you cried: A couple of nights ago.
last movie you watched: Piece of crap on tv, can't remember the title.
last food you ate: A muffin.
last item you bought: 2 storage boxes.
last shirt worn: White long sleeve one I'm gonna sleep with. Gaah, it's getting cold already.
last phone call: The vet.
last text message: Kewlz
last thing you touched: Keyboard.
last funeral: My auntie.
last time at the mall: Thursday.
last time you were excited for something: Toni having her baby.
last person you saw: Dad.
last thing you drank: Milk.
last person that broke your heart: None.
last time you were really happy: Phewww. Can't remember.


1. Are you currently mad at someone? Yes. Always. I'm really resentful.
2. Which of your friends has the worst temper? Mar.
3. Have you ever thrown something at anyone? Sure.
4. Does your face turn red when you're angry? Can't tell. Don't think so.
5. When you're mad do you prefer to stare angrily or yell/scream? I yell too badly.

1. Has anyone ever thrown you a surprise party? No.
2. Are you easily excited? Not really. Gotta be a biggie.
3. What event is coming up that your most excited about? Ur...dunno. Not so many nice prospects.
4. Which of your friends is most excitable? Maria.
5. If you won a million dollars what would be your first thought? Get rid of my mortgage.
6. If you could have anything right now what would it be? That million dollars.

1. NAME? Esther
2. Where were you born? At home, in Trintxerpe.
3. What's your main goal in life? Be happy.
4. Do you want to have children? Not sure. I want to but the idea scares me.
5. How do you want to die? Painless.

1. Do you like this color? Hate it. Not the pistachio one though.
2. gay marriage: Of course.
3. Lowering the drinking age? What for? People here start drinking when they want to, regardless of the laws.
5. Abortion? Sure.
6. Recycling? I don't. Too neat to have 4 bins around.

1. What was your latest dream? This fantasy a bit :twisted: I couldn't possibly post here.
2. Which of your friends do you dream about the most? friends.
3. Do your dreams come true? I wish. Not so far.
4. Do you usually remember your dreams? Always.
5. What was the weirdest dream you've ever had? Can't single out one.

1. Straight, Gay Bi? Straight.
2. Do you have a bf/gf? Yes.
3. Do you have a crush? Yes.
4. Who is the best "hugger"? My brother in law Oscar.
5. Do you believe in love at first sight? Lust at first sight. Love comes after.
6. Have you ever been in love? Yes, I am in love.

Believe it or not, midget dogs today

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Hmmm, now that I think about it, bf has never sent me an email in my life. LOL. He is not a computer guy, he just trains online a soccer team or something *shrugs* and that's the only site he has any interest in. I guess he still loves me though. And I don't think we never needed an e-mail. We live two minutes apart on foot, closer than what I usually take to walk my dog, go figure. So we see each other on a daily basis, sometimes more that once. But he is great whispering :oops: things, and what can I say? I prefer those :)

So yesterday we celebrated Xabier's birthday, which is actually today but yesterday was a better day to gather all the family. All my nephews are special in their own way, really different from each other. Maybe Xabier is the one that resembles me the most when I was a kid. He doesn't make a big fuss out of his birthday, the presents or the cake. He actually hates blowing the candles, go figure. The only thing he always asks for is to have all his cousins together with him. Isn't he awesome or what? :D

He lives like 1 hour apart from the rest of us, so he just sees his cousins like once a month. And he really gets along with them and misses them. He has always impressed me as being a really affectionate kid, totally detached from material things. He loves animals and people. He just doesn't give a damn about the rest. He turned 8 today and I hope that his personality stays forever :)

Xabier got loads of presents but he specially loved his parents' one: two sister female midget dogs. They were 3 months already and they aren't supposed to grow any more. We'll see. Xabier decided to call them Elur and Ixa. They already have dogs but those are used to go hunting pigeons, so they are pretty nervous and not really suitable to play with the kids. So Xabier was over the moon with his present. And so were all of us. The puppies were just adorable :)

And now the pictures. Xabier's most loved presents, aka the puppies and all his cousins :D

Xabier's cake. Since he didn't blow the candle, I forgot to take a pic of the cake before being cut.
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Xabier with Elur and Erik with Ixa.
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Leire with Elur and Ixa
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Elur and Ixa
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Markel made an Eiffel Tower for me. He actually said the "Eiffel" bit, go guess where has he heard that. In case you wonder, the tower is the sand inside the funnel :lol:
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Clara, this is the one which was supposed to be posted yesterday :lol:

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Calvin and Hobbes is propriety of Bill Watterson and Universal Press Syndicate.

Giant funguses

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Opposites attract. Hmmm yeah, sometimes it's true. Contrary to the picture, I'm the tomboy and bf is the cutie. LOL. Although people who look the opposite usually have much more in common than what the external appearances show. I strongly believe that two people who sleep together end up thinking more or less the same. They still can have some issues they think differently about, but like they kinda share a general line of thought. And it is fun to see how couples develop and adapt their personalities to each other with time. I've seen it with bf's friends' girlfriends. Although I still can't stand those snobs. Duh :P

Remember I told you the other day about the midget goats?. So today is time for the giant mushrooms. Yeah, the world turned upside down :D

So again my brother-in-law sent me another picture. This time it is my niece Leire with some of the giant mushrooms they just picked up. Well, they are not mushrooms, they are funguses. I find both pretty disgusting (not that I have tried them, but they just look ewwwwwwwww) but apparently they are a pure delicatessen. And really expensive.

Luckily enough for them, these funguses grow up exceptionally in the lands around my brother-in-law's house, and they have learnt to distinguish them between toadstools, so they now know the exact spots and the precise time to go pick them. There are so many, that they pick enough for family and friends for a whole year. They wash them and vacuum-pack them. Here are a couple of pics. What do you think? Pretty whoa, right? :wink:

My niece Leire with some giant funguses.
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My nephew Xabier a couple of years ago with giant funguses.
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So I'm off soon to spend the afternoon in my bro in law's place for it's my nephew Xabier's birthday. I'll come back tomorrow with more pictures. Be good :)

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Calvin and Hobbes are propriety of Bill Watterson and Universal Press Syndicate.

Let's play, GD.

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LOL. Well, I can't tell it's not true. I do usually get corny and it feels good when bf gets corny and starts saying all those sappy things I don't really believe but still I like to listen to :oops: Like those unique and interesting nicks and expressionsthat couples tend to use with each other, those excessive love statements, those "remember when we"... Awwwww *smooch*

Speaking of remembering, do you guys remember those old Nintendo consoles, the ones operated with button batteries? I still have like 3 or 4 (they were actually my brother's but hey), and I do really treasure them. He hardly let me touch them when he first got them (I gotta reckon I was pretty small) but then I cough *inherited* cough them :wink: I like to play from time to time, I just grab them when I'm bored and once I start a game I get totally hooked.

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It cracked me up finding this site. So many memories *sigh* My boss almost catches me playing the Donkey Kong one. LMAO. I was too into it I guess. Who cares about invoices when you are having fun? Bosses... :evil:

I guess that some of you didn't get to know these (they are from the 80's), so here's your chance to give them a go. You gotta use the arrows in the keyboard. Have fun :D

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Calvin and Hobbes is propriety of Bill Watterson and Universal Press Syndicate.

I agree with Calvin and Hobbes here. Each one's idea of heaven and hell is different :)