I know this is too long. Just focus on question #3 :lol:
1) Are you in a complicated relationship?
As complicated as any other in which two people try to get along together I guess. Relationships ain't easy.
2) How about a serious/happy relationship?
Yes, I'm into a serious, happy and lasting one.
I know it's weird but there's no number 3. You guys, ask me sth in your comments, ok? :lol:
4) How many houses have you lived in?
Two, the one I was born in and the one my parents moved to when I was 12, but just a 5 minute walk from one to the other, hopefully for me.
5) Favorite candy bar?
Milkybar I guess. Candy bars are not big here.
6) Have you ever tripped someone?
I don't think so.
7) Least favorite school subject?
8 )How many pairs of shoes do you own?
No idea. Enough, I'm not crazy about shoes.
9) Do you own a Britney Spears CD?
Of course I don't :P
10) Have you ever thrown up in public?
Just in front of friends.
12) Favorite genre of music?
13) Whats your zodiac sign?
14)What time were you born?
02:10 am
15) Do you like beer?
Nope, it feels like drinking foam to me.
16) Have you made a prank phone call?
Sure, it was fun.
17) What is the most embarrassing CD you own?
Ur...dunno, Disney songs? I love it though.
18 ) Are you sarcastic?
No *cough* never.
19) What are your favorite color(s)?
20) How many watches do you own?
(Off to count them) 11 Whoa! I'm surprised myself. Too many right? I haven't bought a single one though.
21) Summer or winter?
Summer, I'm really sensitive to the cold.
22) Is anyone in love with you?
Bf says so :P
23) Favorite color to wear?
24) Pepsi or Sprite?
None really but I'd say Pepsi.
26) Where is your second home?
tv.com :lol:
27) Have you ever slapped someone?
Yeah, always well deserved.
29) How many lamps are in your bedroom?
Two, ceiling one and table one. Plus two candlelights.
30) How many video games do you own?
31.) First pet you owned?
Dog, Nina.
32) Ever had braces?
33) Shampoo you use?
I'm not too fussy but I like Dove.
34) Do you use chapstick?
Yes, my lips sore in cold weather.
35) Name 4 teachers from grade school:
Mother Irene, Mother Perea, Mother Ana, Mother Teresa.
36) American Eagle or Abercrombie?
Yeah right. Neither. Zara and Penney's.
37) Are you too forgiving?
I guess I can forgive but I never forget (Awww, this is so Corrs) :D
38 ) How many children do you want?
2, 3 at most.
39) Do you own something from Hot Topic?
Huh? What's Hot Topic? I guess I don't.
40) Favorite breakfast meal?
41) Do you own a gun?
Of course not.
42) Ever thought you were in love?
I am.
43) When was the last time you cried?
Yesterday afternoon.
44) What did you do last night?
Had dinner with bf. Then chat on AIM.
45) Olive Garden?
Huh? I've been in several. They are nice and olives are yummy. I'm not getting this question right, am I?
46) Have you ever called your teacher mommy?
No. How freaking scary. They were mostly nuns.
47) Have you ever been in a castle?
Yeah, loads of them. What? I like to travel.
48 ) Nicknames?
BM, Goldie the Cricket, GMBM, Gre, Ñañita, Irri...
52) Are you thinking about somebody right now?
Can't get CSI NY season 3 series finale out of my head. Squeeeeeeeeee!
53) Ever called somebody Boo?
54) do you smoke?
55) Do you own a diamond ring?
56) Are you happy with your life right now?
In general terms I guess I am, but it could always be better.
57) Do you like your hair?
I don't dislike it but hairdressers say it is gorgeous and always buy it to make wigs *shrugs* They pay me loads :lol:
58 ) Who is the one person who can make you happy any day?
Danny Messer.... oh wait you mean a real person? Bf tries hard but when I have one of those bad days, I'm not easy to deal with.
60) What were you doing in May of 1994?
Probably counting the days for my birthday *shrugs*
61) Do you own a Backstreet Boys CD?
62) Mcdonalds or Wendys?
63) Do you like yourself?
Depends on which of my twin gemini is leading.
64) Are you closer to your Mother or Father?
65) Favorite physical feature of the preferred sex?
66) Are you afraid of the dark?
67) Have you ever eaten paste?
As in glue, no. As in dough, yes.
68 ) Do you own a webcam?
Yeah, but I hardly use it.
69) Have you ever stripped?
Yes. In the private scene, of course :twisted:
70) Ever broke a bone?
71) Do you have a cell phone?
Yes, he is smarter than me.
72) Do you chat on AIM often?
73) Pringles or Lays?
74) Have you ever had your heart broken?
Yeah. Duh.
75) Ever had a wish come true?
Yes, I'm lucky because simple things are what make me happy.
77) Did you like your high school guidance counselor?
I didn't have any, just a stupid principal who was a nosy hypocritical. *sigh*
78 ) Ever kiss in the rain?
In all kinds of weather, actually :D
79) Do you have any pets?
Hotz (dog) and Kika (cat).
80) Do you own a car?
81) Can you cook?
Hardly, pasta and microwave stuff. I'm terrible.
82) 3 things that annoy you?
Hypocrites, pimps, abuse.
83) Do you text message often?
Nah, don't like it.
84) Money or love?
Money. I got love.
85) Do you have any scars?
Oh yeah, I was such a tomboy. Head, right arm, left leg...
86) What do you want more than anything right now?
Watch the season finale *sigh* Take a flight anywhere.
87) Do you enjoy scary movies?
88 ) Go play in traffic?
I don't think I'm getting the question, but I am a careful driver, if it serves :)
89) Gum?
Pills. Or is it chewing gum? :lol:
90) Do you enjoy sweet food?
Like bakery stuff? Yeaaaahhhhhh.
91) Have you seen all the Rocky movies?
None of them, thanks.
92) Do you own a box of crayons?
Oh yeah, I love stationery items. I have tons.
93) Ever had sex in a public place?
Yes, but when no one was around :oops:
94) Who was the last person you said I love you to?
95) Who was the last person that made you mad?
Myself (sorry Blu hunnie)
96) Who was the last person that made you cry?
Myself (sorry again Blu hunnie)
97) Who was the last person that made you laugh?
Jenn, my cyber goddaughter.
98 ) Who was the last person that texted you?
*checks* Spam from cell provider, how pathetic is that? Previous one my friend Nerea.
99) Who was the last person that called you?
100) Who's your cell phone provider?
Telefónica Movistar.
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