i let my friends use my PS3, but just to play with it, and nothing more, I dont allow them to change the settings, touch the menus, navigate interwebs, nothing. and sometimes I tell them "give me the control for a sec" (hey is my frigging PS3 give me my controller!) and the guys dont want to so I grab the control and take it off his hands then other 3 guys grab the control each one by a different side and everyone pulling I have to yell "YOU ********** IDIOT YOU ARE GONNA BREAK THE DAMM CONTROLLER!!!!" and they drop it. The last time my friends camed to my house, there was this guy who still has the PS2 slim, so he turned on the PS3, and he took the game disc, he was about to put it, when I see him touching the EJECT button, waiting for the disc tray to come out.... nothing happened (I think we all know why) when he pushed the button, the guy pushed it again like 4 times until I asked him "wtf are you doing?" and he answered "I think your PS3 is broken, the disc tray wont come out..."lightleggy
lol that was like me whe i first got my ps3 i was like WTF :shock: wheres the disk tray.... lol
I don't think we will be seeing GTA again untill next gen. R* already stated that the episode were the last we would see of GTA IV and with agent and red dead redemption coming up, i have a hard time seeing a new GTA anytime soon
u may just be about right there..they would be too busy for it this gen u would think
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