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boredkid95 Blog

so it's been a while

hello everybody havnt been on in a while just a quick update

got oblivion finally best game ever

battlefield bad company best shooter ever

and my soccer team is in the grand final on 1#.

among other things me and friends have gotten into customizing nerf guns my next project for example is a nerf recon.

im going to take the air restricter out make a new barrel add custom sights and paint it black and grey with the helghast insignia on the side hopefully it will pretty cool.

ill put some photos up when its done.

killzone 2 looks pretty mad

so yeah it looks pretty good so far and ill prob play it maybe not multi still adiccted to cod want to get platinum trophy before i quit it. but having trrouble with sum of all zeroes if anyones got any tips that would be great . i also got gunslinger and fired only one pistol bullet .IMBAPWN

also is it me or is the coop servers down cause i cant do zombies with anyone same with campaign cant add anyone to multi game yah screwed up i think.

call of duty world at war for PS3

I bid on an a new copy of call of duty world at war for the ps3 and i won so now ive been playing it non stop ive already beat campaign and im doing mp now im level 30 something but i got the double barrel shotgun from leveling up im using the type 100 with extended ammo and ive got sticky bomb and satchels.speaking of which satchel charging is so fun if your good at it and know the can easily get 2-3 kills with one charge and the carnage that follows is awesome.but anyway today im going after the gunslinger trophy and rough economy but im also looking for death cards.if you walk into the bunker on the northeast side of cliffside and get killed by a satchel charge that was probably me also on staircase in airfield i got three guys at once.just a warning aswell if you plan on watching the zombie intro movie at the end of the credits be ready they go for about an hour. i fell asleep at the start of them.

ps3 is awesome

we got a ps3 the other day and it is so cool it has replaced our dvd player and our computer pretty much.we got littlebigplanet for free with it and that is easily the best game ive played so far ever. the trophies are cool aswell they give a reason to keep going and to try new things. i also just won a bid for a brand new call of duty world at war and i got it for $66 so i cant wait to play it so yeah.unfortunately i wont be at home for the rest of the holidays starting next week and cod is going to get here somewhere around there.i cant wait to shotgun a guys leg off in mutliplayer.and if you want me to add you on PSN leave iyour id in a comment.

ps3 is cool and im getting one

we were at eb today and there was a LBP demo and my eight year old sister started playing it and she loved it and is howed her how to point smile and headbang but anyways i think this tipped my dad into deciding into helping me with getting it because it is a blu ray player which will go with our new tv.should have it by march with our free copy of little big planet.

christmas was good

christmas was good this year.we got a 120cm plasma screen and its hd ready.i also got locoroco2 and its great fun and a bunch of books which is good since i like reading.


so christmas is coming up and i just felt like seeing what everyones is hoping to get.I'm hoping to get patapon and some headphones for my psp. (Im using my ipod ones at the momoent.)so yeah whats everyones getting?

call of duty world at war for ps2

call of duty world at war ps2 is the worst game I have played in a long time its not just different to the very popular and succesful versions on next gen consoles but it is also broken to the point where you can't beat the level you're on.when i first looked at it i thought the fact that they were giving it to a different dev team was a good thing (rebellion). i was wrong its a POS and i hate it.its broken because no matter how far away you are from a grenade as long as you can see that indicator you will die and the levels are so small and confining its impossible to escape them. secondly the controls are wacked out and the aim sensitivity is cimpletely screwed up then even when you can have shot at an enemy half the bullets either miss or dissappear. then theres the ai enemys will jump back and forth for no apparent reason you cant actually tell if youve hit an enemy because they dont kick and theres no blood or smoke they just stand there until they die. and then theres the flamethrower which kills you more often that it kills enemys. but when you do kill a buch of enemys with the flamethrower they either just drop down dead with no visible damage or they do the proper animation but end up as uncooked as this game.Iam warning not to buy this game and Im asking you to help me set up a charity for all those who are now depressed and short of 40 bucks.

call of duty world at war

I've preordered the new call of duty on the ps2 and it should be fun apparently I'll be missing on some story and great graphics. I'd get it on something next gen but unfortunately I don't have anything next gen :( .

I'm not too worried but I think I may be a bit dissappointed with the ps2 one.

also resistance 2 looks kickass and anyone who says its a copy of gears of war is blind a complete retard.

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