I got final fantasy XII sometime at the start of the year and I love but I've only recently got anywhere in the story because I got killed by this boss so when I restarted I put off killing the boss. so last week I decide to have another crack at it and I kill him easily and now I'm getting really into FFXII again. also my b'day is in 3 weeks or so and I'm pretty absolutely sure that I'm getting a psp slim, finally. I can't wait because there are some pretty awesome games on it, you can download movies and music onto it and you can surf the "interwebz". (if you can guess where thats from you're awesome.)
so when I finally get my psp I'm going to streight away get FFVII crisis core because it looks awesome. my friend already has it and loves it. I might get echocrome and GOW chains but I'm definitely getting patapon 2.
also, this week I learnt how to make shuriken out of paper yay. me my friend have fights with them and everytime he hits me he yells " you got boganated!".
also I snapped this guy brothers in arms road to hill 30. there were four guys sitting down eating lunch at a table and they didn't know I was there. I mowed down two guys with my thompson SMG threw a grenade in and backed out of the room, BOOM, I come back in and see a body go flying but when I counted the bodys there was only three, thats odd, so I turn aroud because I heard something click and theres one of them in the door reloading his rifle. And as it is BIA, a rifle kills you in one shot, so he has a chance to kill me but i hosed him with my thompson before he could. It looked exactly like that part from band of brothers when Lt. speirs kills about 10 german pows with his tommy gun, so a bullet goes in his foot, then his thigh, then his chest and finally one through his helmet and as soon as I killed him I yelled "OWNED!"
If I have this much fun with the first BIA on the console that it is the worst on (the PS2), imagine how much fun I'd have in hells highway especilaly the dynamic moments.
Oh well see if you can guess this one as well " I leave ye with a riddle, I am hard yet soft,I am coloured yet clear, I am fruity yet sweet, I am jelly, what am I?"
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