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boredkid95 Blog

shadow of the colossus?

I've been hearing a lot of talk about shadow of the colossus lately and it looks pretty cool, so I'm thinking of getting it even thought it is pretty old.

only problem is that any shops that are near me might only have it in the preowned part and thats if they have it at all.

I like the gameplay idea, that you have to climb on top of this massive giant animal thing and stab it to death all while its trying to throw you off or crush you with a club the size of an apartment building.

I'm also trying to save for a 360 elite and don't know if I should buy this and try and make up the money or leave it and get the elite earlier.

if anyone has played and could help me out with that decision that would be great.

final fantasy XII and VII crisis core

I got final fantasy XII sometime at the start of the year and I love but I've only recently got anywhere in the story because I got killed by this boss so when I restarted I put off killing the boss. so last week I decide to have another crack at it and I kill him easily and now I'm getting really into FFXII again. also my b'day is in 3 weeks or so and I'm pretty absolutely sure that I'm getting a psp slim, finally. I can't wait because there are some pretty awesome games on it, you can download movies and music onto it and you can surf the "interwebz". (if you can guess where thats from you're awesome.)

so when I finally get my psp I'm going to streight away get FFVII crisis core because it looks awesome. my friend already has it and loves it. I might get echocrome and GOW chains but I'm definitely getting patapon 2.

also, this week I learnt how to make shuriken out of paper yay. me my friend have fights with them and everytime he hits me he yells " you got boganated!".

also I snapped this guy brothers in arms road to hill 30. there were four guys sitting down eating lunch at a table and they didn't know I was there. I mowed down two guys with my thompson SMG threw a grenade in and backed out of the room, BOOM, I come back in and see a body go flying but when I counted the bodys there was only three, thats odd, so I turn aroud because I heard something click and theres one of them in the door reloading his rifle. And as it is BIA, a rifle kills you in one shot, so he has a chance to kill me but i hosed him with my thompson before he could. It looked exactly like that part from band of brothers when Lt. speirs kills about 10 german pows with his tommy gun, so a bullet goes in his foot, then his thigh, then his chest and finally one through his helmet and as soon as I killed him I yelled "OWNED!"

If I have this much fun with the first BIA on the console that it is the worst on (the PS2), imagine how much fun I'd have in hells highway especilaly the dynamic moments.

Oh well see if you can guess this one as well " I leave ye with a riddle, I am hard yet soft,I am coloured yet clear, I am fruity yet sweet, I am jelly, what am I?"

cinematic games + rant on lil bro

Lately my brother has been giving me a lot of crap. He is the most obnoxious 10 year old around and he's going through this gangsta' badass phase so he hangs out with dumb bogans, wears those gay monkey jumpers, and acts like he doesnt give a crap about anything or anyone. So to make sure I don't rip his spinal cord out, I've started drawing these comics of a stick figure kratos killing every monster from the games and I imagine that the monsters are my brother, and then I thought screw drawing kratos lets play god of war!

So I started talking to my friend about god of war, and ended up lending it to him so I can prove that the hydra boss is from number 1 because he rented god of war 1 ages ago. Anyway it got me thinking about number one and how much I enjoyed it and in my opinion it is better than number 2 in every way except for combat. The main reason why it is so much better than 2 is because of how cinematic it is. One of my favourite parts is when this woman in athens who knows what kratos has done runs away from him and ends up falling off a balcony you then take a key from her body and move on. Later your on the rooftops and walking across that same square, you see that after you robbed the dead body, a battle went right through there and you see an absolute massacre. There are bodys everywhere and blood fills the place, and to finish it off theres a fountain in the middle of it and the blood has reached the water and mixed. It didn't amaze me straight away but after I lent it to my friend it completely changed the way I think of games, they're not just ways keep you from going physcho and being charged with murder but they actually are pretty much movies that you play. So when my friend borrowed it I immediately wanted it back so I had to make do with number 2 and what do you know right before the best part of the game, where the best enemies are, and the fun part where you smash up a giant talking statue head of one of the sisters of fate and push it out a window, I find the disc really scratched and now the game won't save. So I have to keep playing from the same spot, against the same pushover enemys and I'm starting to build some rage. But I'm happy because my friend just finished it today but wants to beat the challenges of the gods, and he promised I'll have it back by monday. I also found out my electives for next semester, I have fast food and outdoor adventurer which includes a snow trip at the end of year "yay":D. I really want god of war back. Oh well, I'll have to find another way of entertainment, "now wheres my brother...?" ;):twisted:

parents these days WTF?!

something that has been really getting to me lately is how parents are letting thier kids play games that are clearly too violent for them. there is a kind who catches my bus and his mum lets him play halo 3 online and hes only 7. my other example is a kid who i got buddied up with for this gay thing in school htey that by getting a bored 13 yr to hang out with a 7 yr old when they clearly don't want to helps them make fiends more easily. but lets get back to the topic he had to introduce himself sso he said the basics you know my name is blah iam 7 years old and all that but then he said " and i like playing call of duty 4" WTF!? i said so u like games? yeh i love them i like spiderman and destroy all humans but my mum said i cant play it anymore. who the hell lets thier 7 yr old play call of duty 4 but not destroy all humans i mean call of duty 4 has a mission where you have to shoot a guys arm off and some of the main enemies are dogs but they won't let him play a game where the worst you can do is throw someone or control them with your mind.


guitar hero 3 and realm of evanscene

my friend had a party yesterday and all we did was play guitar hero 3 and it was addicting. when i started off i was getting 67% ratings on the easiest song in the game and by the time i left i was playing when you were young on hard and getting 98%. after that we went outside and made a vinegar and bi carb soda bomb we shook it up and left it on the ground nothing happened so i picked it up shook like crazy and chucked it up in the air and about 5 seconds after i let go the bottle blew up and we got soaked in vinegar, it was fun and it proved that im the only one with bals out of us three.

im also lucky enough to be one of the first people to be invited to the realm of evanscene union, thank you code305 and this is a pretty cool union code has taken so much time to set it up hes set up two different kingdoms within it and even a spendable currency. this union is for anyone with an imagination anime and good games. so help code out and don't let his hard work go to waste and join realm.

better save my money

well unfortunatrly i cant get a psp when i want because i had some financial misunderstandings. (sigh)

but i get to save up for a dell laptop and my parents pay for half woopee. i also had an argument with this kid on my bus about who make better PCs for gaming purposes. apple or dell. i opened my argument by saying look at most Pc game requirements and they'll say windows Xp or vista required not mac or whatever he said heaps do i replied i doesn't matter how many games run on it though it matters if they're made for gaming. don't get me wrong i love apple but when it comes to gaming they cant do crap against dell. apple are made for multimedia and you cant customize or ask them to add an extra gigabyte of ram but dell will thats all there is to say so if you still think apple are better comment i dare you to.

FiNaL fAnTaSy XII iS AWeSOmE!!!!!!!!!!!!

so, i got final fantasy XII on the easter weekend and it is awesome the story is deep enough for you to go wow and easy enough to understand even if your a 7 year old.

and like i said in a previous blog post the combat system has changed and it is for the good because now it feel like an MMO RPG and it is awesome because first of all you don't have any random fights second of all it is realistic enough that you don't get money from killing monster but by selling the items they drop and last but not least the stroy and span of it is AWESOME!!!!

starcraft and final fantasy XII

i played starcraft the other day at my friends house and i realized that this was the first RTS game done right and it still surpasses some RTS's today and with number two on the way stracraft is going to be the most succesful frachise in the world (in my opinion).

final fantasy XII is the first FF game that Ive liked because i really dont like that pokemon sort of combat system where you choose which attack to do instead of just attacking and the story is awesome i mean you cant beat giant lizards, space pirates, retired admirals and space ships. :P :P :P :P B)

we are the swarm we burned a path of annihalation across the stars and then we vansihed

im gettin a PSP

i am currently saving for a psp deal that comes with ratchet and clank size matters and tekken for $300 australian i think this is a pretty good deal if anybody has heard of better deals in aus please comment. i know it seems odd that patapon is in my now playing list this is because i played and finished it at my friends which is amazing but we did it in shifts. im gonna get a white one cause they look cooler. can not wait for chains to come out.

patapon FTW@!!!!!!!!!!!¿

chains of olympus

im waitin for chains of olympus to come out. god of war 2 war awesome and chains should be just as good. but if they make it shorter than 5 hours it will lose a lot of its drive. cant wait to be smashin up soldiers with blades that glow in my own hands.

PS glyder56 is my B1tch¿ :P

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