First of all I just saw X men 3 and it was great but it sucked ath the same time
Now before I talk about the movie i have to say that this contains spoiles so skip this part intill I say END SPOILERS
Any way the reason it was good because of the special affects rocked
But it sucked because of the
1. cliff hanger ending
2. mutants turnig human i.e mangeto, mistique(can't spell) and rouge
3. and the most important reason is because professer x, sccot, and gene DIED how can some of the main characters DIE
The ending pissed me off but it's X men. Theirs always a bad ending in a comic book. It's basicly the same thing.
Anyway forget X men lets talk about news
Did any one see the today show last monday(Jan. 30th)
There was a creppy eel shark
here's the picture:
and another one:
creepy eh.....
well at least you didn't see it from the mouth WHICH WAS GLOWING
it died though but hey what canu say it is prehistoric
I'll post the video later( If I can remenber)
Also i have to say that the people in boston are idiots
I meen how can you mistake an ad campain for aqua teen hunger force for a frikken' bomb
here's waht it looks like:
i mean how stupid can u get
boston use some common sense if not for boston the for the frikken' world for making us think that another tragedy happend
no afence for people that are from or live in boston the REAL IDIOTS are the politions and the people who though they were bombs
P.S tell your friends about me:D
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