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borisbalinkoff Blog

The time has come, the walrus said, to talk of many things.

In my last blog I alluded to an upcoming important announcement. Well, here is that blog. My blogs have had to do with site business. In this blog, however, I will reveal some things about me as a person, although my motives for doing so are related to the site.

First, my age. I am eighteen and just graduated from high school. (The older people on the site are probably thinking, "Oh, great. Yet another teenager.") I am sad to graduate--not that I particularly loved school, but I always get sad when things end or change. Everyone says life is better after high school, and I'm sure it is, but it's still depressing it's over for me.

You're probably wondering what an eighteen-year-old is doing watching almost entirely shows from the 60s. Well, I do find them extremely entertaining. But I am also a religious person, and I have very high standards. Obviously, my religion does not prohibit me from watching certain things, but I, like others, often think, "Why do they put that swearing/sex/violence/whatever in there? It's completely unnecessary." Well, I figured, why watch it if you don't like it? I have very high standards, and pretty much any TV show made in the 70s and later does not fit them (movies are different). It's not that I'm easily offended (although that used to be the case), but if I stretch my standards as is, I'm still in safe territory, but if I stretched them with lower standards, I might see something I don't like.

It is my religion that is the main reason I am posting this.

In the fall, I will be leaving on a religious mission. I will be gone for two years, during which time I will not have TV, movies, or the Internet (except probably for a weekly email to my family). Normally this would not be a major problem. But I have show guides.

When I return in 2009, I might want my editorships, but retirement is permanent. But can you imagine me going to the "Editor Special Circumstances" thread and saying, "I will be gone for the next two years; would you mind moderating my submissions?"?!

So I have a solution to my account problem. I have a cousin who has just completed a year of college (he's three months older than I but he's a year ahead of me due to dates and policies). He has agreed to take over my account while I am gone. In the next few months before I leave, we will share the account as a tutorial for him. We are a little different; he is not religious and does not like most old shows. I have told him that when he takes over he can do anything with the account except retire from the guides or get banned or suspended, although I think he's going to keep most of my stuff in addition to adding his own.

So, yeah. Watch for his upcoming presence. If you're one of my friends, please leave a comment, even if it's just something like, "I read your blog." I want to know how many people are reading my blogs and not commenting, and if enough people are, I'll try to make them more entertaining. And if you're not one of my friends and you're reading this, I don't care if you post a comment or not--stalker! ;)

Who needs wings to fly?

I now consider myself a nerd.

I'm not a full nerd. I'm not even a top 1000 user, I've never contributed to a person, and I only make sporadic boring blogs that elicit few or no comments.

But last Friday evening I discovered one of my shows had two retired editors and was up for acquirement. So I set to work on it fixing grammatical mistakes and found myself stuck without more things to correct. So I went out and bought the first season of it mainly to submit and hopefully become editor. I turned the episodes on while writing recaps, and this morning I came on to find I got what I wanted, and I now have a second show guide: The Flying Nun!

[crickets chirping]

You mean there's actually a TV show about a nun? A flying nun?!? Well, yes, and as silly as the premise sounds, and is, it's actually a very good show. I understand it was picked as one of the 50 worst TV shows, but such a ranking is unfair. It's quite entertaining. It would be almost as entertaining if Sister Bertrille couldn't fly. In the third episode, at least, she only flew once, and that was insignificant to the episode as a whole. It's always funny when you have a nun rollerskating or playing gin with women in bikinis!

It's actually based on a book that is now out of print called The Fifteenth Pelican. We actually bought a used copy a few years ago online. I didn't like the writing s-t-y-l-e when I read it, but I want to read it again now that I'm the editor of the show it inspired.

As of today, there are only 43 users tracking it including me. On the other hand, there are 281 people tracking my other guide, The Munsters. I get very few Munsters submissions, so my new guide will probably be in name only, and I will probably have to do very little. But it's still fun to be able to say I'm the editor.

I wanted to get the guide quickly and not dawdle, since I didn't want to get burned like last time. I am delighted to have the new guide--even if no one else cares about the obscure show.

Stay tuned to my blog for an important announcement sometime in the next month.

He regresado

I now formally have a computer back. I only checked in on Monday this week, which was less than I expected. I am now back on and can do my typical stuff (which isn't really much).

There were some changes while I was gone, besides new blogs and forum posting, and letting all editors have queue access, which does not concern me. Charlie Brown now has a show banner, and pokeyfz became the first Filmspot user to track me. I've never had something like that with Filmspot, so I looked at his profile and decided I might track him back. Then I looked on his profile, and he fit the description that would have made me track him if I had seen him first. I guess now I'll have to make my blogs less specific to Another Filmspot occurrence is that A Charlie Brown Valentine finally got deleted after my request on the Incorrect and Duplicate Movie Titles board.

And, in real life, the storm drain that was in front of my house is now covered with asphalt. I don't know why they decided to cover it up. I have memories of it--being fascinated with it, throwing snails into it, even rescuing a cat out of it. In a way, it's a little sad to walk by--especially since the drain was much prettier than the big black bump. I'll get over it...:)

But there was nothing in my queue, and no mail reprimanding me for letting a submission wait for seven days. Some things never change.

Editor on vacation

Six attempts at the show blog yielded no results. This is what I was attempting to blog, regarding my lack of access to a computer from March 31 to April 10:

Submissions during my absence will obviously take longer to be moderated and perhaps might end up being moderated by staff if left for seven days. It might be advisable to wait to make submissions until I will be able to moderate them within seven days, as I am more likely to accept submissions, having only one guide and being able to fix errors, and being familiar with the show.

However, I receive few submissions, so it should not be a problem, especially since I might be able to check in.

 I will delete this blog upon my return.

 Hopefully this will post on my profile blog.


Finally level 17!

I learned that I am level seventeen now. What's funny is that I got through sixteen faster than fifteen, even though I did more with fifteen. I'm just glad the levels are fixed.

I made an Easter banner a week ago, but I have been unable to load it. If you look at my Munsters banner, you see the font is white. It was green before. I tried to load the Easter banner. Nothing. So I changed the font on the Munsters one. Nothing initially, but then it came up. But the Easter one is a smaller file, I think, so I don't understand it. The Munsters banner looks better, but I did want a temporary Easter one. Oh, well...

Hmm...I had other things to blog about, but I don't really remember them.

Double AACK!

So if you look below this blog you will see a blog called "Trusted and AACK!" If you look below that, you will see one called "Trusted #2." I posted the "Trusted #2" only to have the connection time out. When I came on my profile, it wasn't there, even after refreshing it. So then I made the "Trusted and AACK!" blog. Upon posting it, I looked at some of my friends' profiles, and saw myself on the tracked blogs with "Trusted #2"! One even said it had -1 comment! I'm not sure how that happened!

Posting a new blog--the third one within the hour--seemed to make more sense than editing another one. I'm not sure why. So go down and read the "Trusted and AACK!" blog--I don't think there's anything different in "Trusted #2."

[This paragraph was removed at the request of the original poster.]

Trusted and AACK!

The "AACK" refers to the fact that I just made a blog that died out! It was previously entitled "Trusted #2" because this site doesn't let you have two blogs with the same title. That seems even dumber than not letting you do ALL CAPS!

Anyway, what I said in my blog was that pedrompmarques made me Trusted Contributor for Charlie Brown. I haven't been Trusted since studog2961 gave me the TC for The Munsters to help me obtain the editorship. I now have another row of emblems! And who knows, with two guides to submit to without moderation, I may get a 500 submissions emblem in the relatively near future. I feel that the TC justifies my Linus avatar. I felt silly having all Munsters stuff and then Linus, but now it doesn't seem as silly.

The Munsters has been back on TV Land for almost a week now. I was hoping I'd get more activity in my queue, but I haven't...yet. I'm still hopeful...

I'm also working on a new summary for the show. I didn't like the old one, and wanted to write a new one, but didn't have time. I edited the current one, since it had some things to fix. Then I saw that I got points, and I thought, "Oh, well, I don't want to get a lot of points, and the summary is adequate, so I'll leave it." It had an adjective whose meaning I did not know, and I left it when I edited it the first time. I just looked up its meaning and it does not fit the character described, so I'd have to edit it anyway, so I'm just writing a new one.

And, in silliness, I finally looked up the pronunciation for "queue." I'd been saying it "kway" all this time! But in the future, I'll think, "How could I ever have thought it was anything but 'kyoo'?" :D

Trusted #2

The "#2" in my title is because I already have a blog titled that. This site has some really dumb blog title rules!

Tonight I received a PM from pedrompmarques saying that he made me Trusted Contributor for Charlie Brown! I haven't been Trusted since studog2961 gave me the TU for The Munsters to help me get the editorship. I now have a second row of emblems. I feel that this justifies my Linus avatar--I wanted to make everything Munsters-related since I am the editor for that show, but weird stuff went on with making a Munsters avatar. Now, however, I feel I can rightfully have a Peanuts avatar. I even mentioned my trusted status in my forum signature. I think I'll keep the other stuff the way it is.

The Munsters has been back on the air for almost a week now, and I was hoping I might get some more activity in my queue, but I haven't received a single thing. Oh, well. Maybe it'll get better.

And this is a really silly thing. When I first read about editors' queues, I had no idea how to pronounce the word. By the time I became editor, I figured it was said like, "kway." So I finally looked it up and was surprised to find out it's "kyoo." It'll take some getting used to, but one day I'll think back and say, "How could I have ever thought it was 'kway'?" :D

St. Patrick's Day green

So I decided to make the words in my banner green for St. Patrick's Day, even though it's still February. I was not going to alter my banner for holidays except for Halloween and Christmas, since there are Munsters-associated shows for those holidays only, but I decided to try it anyway. After all, they're green pictures, so I thought it might go well. I might even keep it this way. I made the text smaller to make it look more like the automatic banners, since I like that.

I've been trying to get my real-life friend Hughpine89 to use the site more. He says he uses it a lot to look at the episode order for his iPod for The Office, but he doesn't sign in. I want him to get hooked like the rest of us. :)

I've had a submission bug of sorts lately, wanting to submit things, but I didn't know what. Then I noticed that my guide has a lot of problems, primarily with the cast. But I think the second season might be really messed up, and I'll need to consult the DVDs, which might be hard, since not only do I not have too much time, I have to do that when the TV is available. I was hoping to finish before Sunday, when the show comes back to TV Land, but that might not be a possibility. I have also noticed things copied from IMDb and other sites on other guides that I can change. I also want to, at this time of year, write a recap for the St. Patrick's Day episode of Bewitched, but I'd need to watch it again to remember it all. So I have plenty to do, and I probably won't do it all before the submission bug dies away.

And speaking of bugs, the level stuff has been screwed. The rare time I actually did a lot on the site, I didn't get credit for it with my level. Oh, well...the level doesn't matter anyway.

So, now, POLL: Should I keep the font green after St. Patrick's Day, OR should I return to white after the jour pour vert? (Sorry, French is just such a fun language--I could have said día para verde, but it doesn't sound as cool. :) And I could be wrong with my translations--I get confused with por and para and pour and par.)

More problems

I lost my queue. And my level. What's with these bugs?

And if you're wondering about my user image--well, so am I. I made one and was trying it out, but it didn't seem to work. So then I was just testing it to get it to work, making nonsensical images, not thinking they would work. They did--kind of. That blotch you see currently (if it is a blotch if and when you are reading this) is much bigger than the real blotch is. I'll have to try again sometime.

And now, with this bug (yet again), will this blog post? If you see this message, it did.
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