I really enjoyed the movie, and I've known the DC universe to be pretty dark, so it was basically what I expected. I've also seen The Dark Knight Returns movies, which I enjoyed as well, and I did notice quite the resemblance in how Batman fought Superman. I thought that was cool.
Batman killing all the thugs was kind of a bummer, but then, he's done that in almost all his movies, so I'm used to it. Most superheroes don't kill their villains, but they'll kill plenty of thugs when it comes to the movies.
As for that Martha scene, I thought I got it pretty quickly...
Batman is all riled about because Superman got a bunch of people killed by bringing aliens (that wanted Superman) to Earth, in the process getting tons of innocents killed. Then Luthor manipulates Batman with the use of his family to have him target Superman. Then he gets Superman to attack Batman (who he knows has kryptonite) by kidnapping his mother, who just so happens to be named Martha.
Batman and him fight, then as a last resort Superman shouts "Martha" because he needs to save her. This causes Batman to freak out because that's his mothers name. You know, why would he say his mother's name? He asks why Superman says that name, and Lois runs up and says it's his mother's name.
Like gee, Batman just found out Superman has a family, a mother, and has a chance to save her from dying. That's all Batman has ever wanted to do: Save his family.
Then later on Superman sacrifices himself to slay Doomsday and that shows Batman he was a good person after all.
@raugutcon: Better safe than sorry. Steam is nice enough to tell me how many people are currently playing a game, that way I can tell if it's a good idea to buy a game for multiplayer or not.
Lots of games I'd only play for multiplayer. Too bad it doesn't tell me how many people are still playing them, or else I can only assume no one is playing them and I'll never find anyone to play with, thus it'll just be a waste of money.
Hope you folks didn't forgot that Xbox Live used to be $5 a month before becoming $10 a month. It's hardly surprising that Sony did this. My question is why it took them so long.
I've been playing the same free-to-play game for over nine years now. "ROBLOX", which is on PC, mobile and Xbox One. It's basically got my complete focus as an MMO, so I don't spend too much time on other MMOs.
If I had a mobile device, I'd totally be playing Pokemon GO.
Borlng's comments