@FlareKnights I liked the naval missions...i wanted to be able to free roam from port to port...maybe this game will allow it. Maybe you can just sail around and catch some fish...maybe find an uncharted island...ect.
@bledsoe45sbc @rb2610 Assassin's Creed: Altair...Assassin's Creed:Ezio...Assassin's Creed:Ezio the man...Assassin's Creed:Ezio the old man...Assassin's Creed:Conner....
@max-hit @Senior_Rosa AC was boring. I mean the first two assassinations were fun...but the whole "climb tower, pick pocket this guy, climb tower, ease drop these dudes, climb tower, interrogate that guy...now go back to hideout and plead your case" it got old...it got old and boring. But the story..the idea of the animus kept me wanting to finish.
@Senior_Rosa if you run to a wall...he will lean on it allowing you to see past it. Yea there isn't a button prompt telling you to do it but it is there.
first game was boring but most of all...repetitive.
but many liked the story.
AC2 was great IMO.
i'm not bashing you for hating the series..it is your opinion.
bottaboomstick's comments