@hystavito considering they had a lasso system in RDR, it shouldn't be too hard for them to have some sort of handcuffing system.
and also in RDR you had to carry the bloke to your horse, even if it has ran away (stupid Fcuking horse always done that to me haha), so again I can't see why thy wouldn't carry that system over to GTAV
@Alucard_Prime if they don't announce a Next-gen version before this one comes out I will be getting it on PS3 and if they announce it later on I'll be pissed and will definitely NOT get it again...... If they do announce it before Sept 19th (UK) and say that it may take a couple of years, I'll wait
@CaveManCobb M$ is creating a Cable box with in the XBone, Sony is adding a separate feature that allows users to "stream" there TV shows, completely different things
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