If they release a nex-gen GTA V, I will not be buying it unless they add something massive to it..... like an extra map, second screen support and a few more activities to do...... don't get me wrong I know there are loads to do in this game already, but whats the point in buying the game twice if everything is the same (except graphics)
@helldragonzer the only game I was considering doing this upgrade for was Watch Dogs and its only a week difference here (UK) so I will definitely be waiting for PS4 version
11 hours left and ill be waiting out side the shop waiting for them to open, then its a brisk walk home, then an hour flight (install) to my new home for the next 2 months
I was going to pre-ordered via Amazon, but I didn't want to risk it being delivered a day late, so I pre-ordered at a local games store, with midnight launch yay....
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