@deafwing I think you have to be on the same Wi-Fi as the PS4 for remote play. so if your playing a game on the PS4 and someone wants to use the TV you can pass it over to the Vita and just carry on playing..... That's my understanding of it, and I'm sure if I'm wrong someone will correct me lol
this will be very handy for me, as I'm usually working while the PSN store is updated. so while I'm having a smoking break, I can grab a game, and it'll be ready for me by the time I get home.... Nice
@SurlyPotato I want to play single player games. I don't mind playing online, just don't want to be playing with/against any other players. and considering I always take make the time to learn the stories, get to know the characters I'm interacting with and take in the scenery. How is that not seeing the games for what they are? if you don't like RTE games, don't fucking play them, simple.
@HowlPendragon @R2C25 both consoles are riddled with indie games... But I don't understand why so negative, dev's have to start somewhere. And no one is asking you to buy/download/play anything you don't want to
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