I also only get the special editions for the games I love and even then the special edition has to have something that is worth charging extra for. For example I thought the whole Fallout 3 lunchbox bobblehead thing was pretty awesome.
You haven't upgraded your hard drive since then right? I recently upgraded to a 120GB and didn't notice that I couldn't get my new playthrough to level up past 50 until it was too late because even though I still had the achievements the old save data had not transferred.
Spira and Okami? Awesome choices. I would also add that it would be cool to be part of Mass Effect's take on our galaxy. Why just one planet when you can travel to 50 others!
Dragon Age was disappointing but Mass Effect is one of the best games I have ever played. In fact Mass Effect battles with Fallout 3 for my favorite game of all time. You should definitely try it.
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