Hey, thanks for all the positive comments guys!Could you spread it around please to all your friends? it would mean alot to the kid who made it.Thanks heaps.
Hey,My friend made this video for fun and asked me if i could send it around so he could get some comments.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjpX_ybs0XYCheck it out and comment on youtube, please dont be too mean because he is kinda young.Thanks
My friend is making a new youtube series and he needs your help.It is about a nerd kid and his uptight dad who get into many adventures.His name is Steven.Current ideas are:Take a chance on Steven.The adventures of Steven.andThe Chronociles of Steven.Plz help with ur ideas and suggestions.Thanks.
Does anybody know when/if downloadable songs for the Wii version of Guitar Hero 3 are going to come out?I know theyve come out for the PS3 and Xbox 360 but i dont know why they havent come out on Wii.Thanks.
I have a bet with my friend for a $100 bucks that my youtube video can get more views/comments then hi by the end of the week.At the moment he is in front by quite a few views/comments:( can you guys/gals plz help me?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vY0WWmtx84MThats the link thanks so much. :)
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