Please tell me about another device launch that had so many DOAs from not only average consumers but pro reviewers. Sites like IGN, Kotaku, gamespot, PC Gamer, and ABC are some of the professional sites that had issues with their consoles. Really, what are the odds that so many pro reviewers would get bad apples?
Sure these consoles are under warranty and can be replaced, but now there are reports that it could take several weeks or even a couple of months before units can be fixed or replaced. What’s the point of getting a day one console when you can’t play until the following year?
Also, people keep making the argument that all electronic launches have issues and are essentially lumping in minor software and hardware hiccups with DOA situations. As a consumer I expect there to be some bugs such as the antenna problem in the I Phone 4, Google Chrome constantly crashing in my Nexus 5, but not a completely dead device. Most electronics don’t have a DOA problem, they have a “the software is buggy” issue. The complete hardware failure problems that do happen, do so over time. I got the RROD, but after a year and not one day one.
Plenty of high profile electronics have been released since Social media has become mainstream and I don’t recall a launch littered with DOA complaints like this. What is it with people trying to act like it’s ok that a company ships so many broken units and when did we become so complacent as to nod and agree when said company claims that it was within their expectations to ship broken products to it’s consumers? Aren’t we just sending the message that it’s ok to rush products to hit an initial sales goal and just deal with the inevitable problems of this hasty approach later? I hope the MS is smarter and doesn’t give us a repeat of the 360 or the PS4 for that matter.
Why can’t we have a launch like the original Xbox that didn’t have a bunch of DOA consoles and very few issues at all? When did putting out completely broken products become the norm?
@shreddyz Wait, but the whole point of the video was that games don't make you better at shooting in real life, nor do they cause a person to want to shoot anyone. So your disagreement with the video seems to in fact be in agreement with it.
@93ChevyNut I am not sure I follow. How does having a pass through HDMI input negate the many features that make it an all-in-one entertainment device? This sounds like the same logic I have heard from people that believe that adding extra features to a console somehow makes it a less capable gaming machine. It can still play games like any other console past or present but it just so happens to be that you can also stream movies, and navigate your TV channels. It's not like it's one or the other.
@danganronpas @kareem306 I agree. I really hate electronics that won't let me switch out the batteries. If something is made to be wireless then I want it to remain wireless. If the battery dies I don't want to have to tether my controller to the console in order to keep playing. I want to switch out my batteries and keep playing how I was before. I think Xbox got it right by allowing the player to choose whether they wanted to use rechargeable batteries or not.
@ernelson1976 Very true.. MS needs some work on their marketing strategy... They keep fumbling the ball.. I will purchase both consoles just like I did last generation and I will love them both just like I did with the 360 and Ps4.. However, I am actually excited at the possibilities kinect has to offer, as well as the other Xbox One features.. People don't realize how cool the Kinect tech is and if developers would actually implement it in creative ways it could be amazing.. The problem last gen was that not everyone had it , so utilizing it was a low prioirty since only a fraction of the people would actually be able to take advantage of it.. that is exactly why it now comes standard with every system.. People are stuck in the past with their hate.. I try to think of the possibilities.. I just hope they deliver..
@senjutsu @brad12d3 I find it very difficult to believe that Sony didn't have many of the same ideas as MS concerning used games, etc.. despite what they are claiming now.. Sony is just as much of a greedy corporation as MS is.. to think otherwise is silly. Competing companies are always keeping a close eye on the other.. I would bet that MS was under the impression that Sony was heading down the same path they were and felt that they would not be alone in the drastic changes that proposed.. Sony let MS play their hand first and when the backlash hit, Sony moved forward appropriately by acting like they would never do something so terrible. Look I am not saying that what MS was going to do was right, or that one company is better than the other.. I'm just saying that the masses are most likely being played by a big corporation who they think is just one of the guys.. As someone who works in the media I can tell you that even the littlest things are sometime painstakingly orchestrated by marketing teams.. Sony won the game but that doesn't make them any more Holy than MS.
Wow very surprised to see a positive article on the Xbox One... So does this mean we are moving past the bandwagon BS? It's amazing how one sided the reporting has been this summer... They will go nuts reporting how atrocious this or that feature is on the Xbox One compared to the PS4.. but when a legitimate complaint comes out about the PS4.. it's all like.. "oh no big deal.. people causing a fuss over nothing.' Both consoles look fantastic, but I would like to hear the good things about both.. not just the one it's cool to praise..
Sigh... fanboyism is a terrible disease... I am glad I finally grew out of that. I look forward to owning both consoles... Hopefully Xbox can get some better narrative driven games.. (not that they didn't have any but the PS3 I think slightly edged it out with games like Heavy Rain and The Last of Us). I also hope there are some good 3rd party controllers for the PS4 because I have never been a fan of their's. It has to be the most uncomfortable controller I have used. MS nailed it with their controller.
I can't understand people who criticize MS for trying to add new features to their Xbox. Things like making it more of an entertainment hub, which as tech nerd I love since I am all about streamlining my media room. If I can access all my media through my console then i'm down for that.
Also, people who hate on the kinect are MAYBE jumping the gun. I do say maybe, because it could go either way. However, Kinect's tech is actually pretty amazing. The stuff people were doing with it over at Kinect Hacks was pretty crazy. I think it has a lot of potential but it had a few things working against it this past generation.
The camera's resolution wasn't very good, tracking was spotty, and not everyone had one.. so from a developers perspective it was a big risk implementing any major kinect features because the install base was limited. There wasn't a good incentive to invest a lot in it and as a result when developers did add kinect features it was limited and gimmicky. However, the new kinect is a major improvement techically and now a developer can invest time and resources in it knowing that everyone will be able to take advantage of them.. which I doubt will always involve dancing in front of your TV. I think there is a lot of potential for using the xbox controller and kinect sensor simultaneously for input.
It has a lot of potential but whether it's used effectively and in ways that can truly enhance the game experience have yet to be seen. I just think it's a bit early to dismiss it completely.
@Guito That makes no sense whatsoever. Why would Microsoft try to sabotage a gaming peripheral that if anything would enhance gaming on PCs and even their Xbox One eventually? Obviously you must be joking, but it is sad that people have gotten so desperate to find any and every opportunity to trash MS that they will do it when there is no clear logical reasoning behind it. Next people will claim that Microsoft built a weather machine to create tornadoes in OK to distract from all their bad press...
Here's what confuses me... the PS4 and Xbox One are both just as capable as the other of running amazing games. Neither is light years ahead of the other when it comes to power. We have hardly any info on what games will be coming to each console so making a judgement at this stage is a bit silly.
Typically, the majority of games are cross platform and only a very few are actually console exclusive. So apart from a few exclusives here and there.. both consoles will be very comparable. However, because the Xbox chooses to add more features somehow it becomes inferior? So I have two sports cars that are, for all intents and purposes, fairly even when it comes to their motor prowess. However, by the logic I see here, if I add a CD player , DVD player/screen for the kids in the back, heated seats, sunroof, and a killer sound system.... this upgraded car somehow becomes diminished in it's ability to operate as a motor vehicle?
Say what you will about their used game policy, or online checks, but claiming that the Xbox One is an inferior console because it offers more entertainment features makes no sense to me. I for one am thrilled at the idea of having all my entertainment through one device.. As it stands right now I have about 6 controllers I have switch between that are piled up on my couch and sometimes disappear for inexplicable reasons. So if I don't have to worry about hunting for remotes and my audio video set up can be simplified then I'm good with that.
Yet my post is futile, because most of the people attacking the Xbox have such an ingrained blind loyalty to their brand that they are thinking more about how best to retort to my post rather than considering the logic. Of course that goes both ways.. Xbox has it's overly zealous followers who can't admit that MS could have done things better, but you know what.. so could have Sony. I thinks it's funny how people accuse MS of rushing things when Sony didn't even have a finished console to show at their announcement. :)
I don't think that Xbox is better than PS or vice versa. I have enjoyed both my PS3 and Xbox 360 and I will probably get a PS4 and a Xbox One. I just think that the mindless gibberish people spew to discredit what they see as the opposing console is pathetic at best and I would like to try and inject a little common sense even if there are those who can't fully grasp it.
Of course I think the best testament to how inherently stupid people's thinking has gotten is when Sony looks at what the masses are saying and decides that the best way to instill confidence is to say,"Our console is a game console," in case we were confused about that. Apparently they don't think we can fathom how a Console can do more than just play games and still be effective at playing said games... so they use our ignorance to their advantage and again remind us that,"The PS4 is in fact,.. just a game console." So you need not worry your self over those other evil media apps that will devour your precious games alive! Probably...
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