As the time of the year is nearing March, I wonder what all I can do with the education I am learning. I say that with regard to my favorite current course, philosophy. In it, I am reading about various topics and answering questions about them. What is an interesting aspect of the lessons of this course is that they are not teaching me how to think, but rather why abstract thought is important in an elaborate way. I have noticed that I have become better at thinking about major issues and not only because my grades show that, but because my approach to other fields of interest has become more based on deductive reasoning or logical.
Besides that, I am participating in Math Club and I have begun playing chess again to participate in Chess Club. Philosophy Club is meeting next month and I intend to join in on that discussion. Some say that the apprehension of knowledge is actually a recollection of it. I do not agree or disagree with that idea at this point, but it is a view that I shall consider for what it is worth with regard to my academic program and beyond.
With my Kindle, I have about ninety books, now, and most of them are (legally!) free. In general, they are popular titles that have been read throughout the ages.
I am currently reading the following ebooks:
- The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
- A Brief History of Time
- Franklin's Way to Wealth or, 'Poor Richard Improved'
- The Journals of Lewis and Clark, 1804-1806
- The Republic
- On the Origin of Species
- Theodore Roosevelt: an Autobiography
- Walden, and On the Duty of Civil Disobedience
One particular paperback book I am reading is On the Shoulders of Giants, edited by Stephen Hawking. It is supplying me a new perspective on the great works of physics and astronomy. I find that I can own a copy of a collection of some of the greatest achievements of the human mind for under thirty dollars (USD) fascinating.
Each day, at least one book is read and something new is learned or utilized as a reminder of that which has been studied, previously, by me.
I recently bought a Soprano Baroque recorder. I had a few recorders in grade school and I enjoyed music class and band. I am relearning how to play. Next, I intend to get an keyboard and violin as well as another trumpet to relearn how to play that as well. Playing music helps me think, so instruments and possibly lessons are a worthwhile investment, collectively.
Video Games
I have been playing few games for a few minutes at a time every once in a while because I have been preoccupied with other pursuits. When I have played something, it was usually a fighting game such as Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition, Injustice: GAU Ultimate Edition, or Tekken Tag Tournament 2. Earlier this week, I had some hands-on time with Street Fighter X Tekken for the first time. It is not bad, but I prefer SSFIV:AE.
Additionally, I got Theatrhythm: Final Fantasy. Its main attraction are its music tracks. The actual gameplay is essentially a series of QTEs sequences that produce a single sound that is intended to sync with the soundtrack. That said, its simplicity does not make it a bad game. In fact, I have enjoyed every time I played it without projecting an idealistic or notional state of mind towards it; Final Fantasy music is quite good.
I have started bodybuilding again with a interest in growing my chest and biceps before focusing on anything else. Once I grow those a bit, I shall move on to what needs work next, so everything is proportional.
At the risk of being thought of as grandiose, I intend to keep this schedule and enter university in Spring 2016. One of my previous blog entries discussed how I was accepted to a good school. An update for that (as you might guess) is that I have decided to continue studying at my current college, for now. I feel driven to accomplish these goals and I realize it is a more complex situation than "just doing it." The value of utilizing my mind for my goals and career is definitely an attractive idea and especially so for the purpose of self-actualization. =)
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