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brenday Blog

Stuff I want linkified

hehe...I just don't want about 90 links in my sig :D:P

●——[[The Photoshop Unions Site]]——●

●——[[The Photoshop Union]]——●

●——[[The Irish Union]]——●


●——[[Everything Board]]——●

●——[[New Sytle]]——●

●——[[Teh Summer Gallery]]——●

100 New Songs

:D Well I randomly desided to tell you guy's that I goot 100 new songs :D
I bought 2 Happy Hardcore albums (Dance), and an NWA album, when I put them on my pc, they came up to 100 songs exactly :D They're all schweet songs, you should listen to them, DJ Hixxy, Special D, amazing...

The Ultimate Happy Hardcore Album

Platinum Happy Hardcore

NWA Straight Outta Compton.

Got My New Phone!!!

In my last blog post, I asked people to help me pick this mofo and most of you's said the Nokia 6111 so that's what I got :D:D:D Thanks this phones schweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!!!!! :D:D:D


HERE'S A TALLY OF ROUGHLY HOW MUCH YOU'LL GO UP WHEN YOUR A 20!  My conclusion is 1% a day, 2% for a review and 1-4% for LOADS of posts! :D

Day 1: 2% (lvl 20 & 2%)
Day 2: 1% (lvl 20 & 3%)
Day 3: 3% (lvl 20 & 6%)
Day 4: 3% (lvl 20 & 9%)
Day 5: 3% (lvl 20 & 12%)
Day 6: 1% (lvl 20 & 13%)
Day 7: 2% (lvl 20 & 15%)
Day 8: 2% (lvl 20 & 17%)
Day 9: 4% (lvl 20 & 21%)
Day 10: 2% (lvl 20 & 23%)
Day 11: 1% (lvl 20 & 24%)
Day 12: 1% (lvl 20 & 25%)
Day 13: 1% (lvl 20 & 26%)
Day 14: 1% (lvl 20 & 27%)
Day 15: 1% (lvl 20 & 28%)
Day 16: 1% (lvl 20 & 29%)
Day 17: 2% (lvl 20 & 31%)
Day 18: 2% (lvl 20 & 33%)
Day 19: 2% (lvl 20 & 35%)
Day 20: 2% (lvl 20 & 37%)
Day 21: 2% (lvl 20 & 39%)
Day 22: 1% (lvl 20 & 40%)
Day 21: 2% (lvl 20 & 39%)
Day 22: 1% (lvl 20 & 40%)
Day 23: 1% (lvl 20 & 41%)
Day 24: 1% (lvl 20 & 42%)
Day 25: 1% (lvl 20 & 43%)
Day 26: 1% (lvl 20 & 44%)
Day 27: 1% (lvl 20 & 45%)
Day 28: 1% (lvl 20 & 46%)
Day 29: 1% (lvl 20 & 47%)
Day 30: 2% (lvl 20 & 49%)
Day 31: 0% (lvl 20 & 49%)
Day 32: 1% (lvl 20 & 50%)
Day 33: 1% (lvl 20 & 51%)
Day 34: 1% (lvl 20 & 52%)
Day 35: 2% (lvl 20 & 54%)
Day 36: 1% (lvl 20 & 55%)
Day 37: 1% (lvl 20 & 56%)
Day 38: 0% (lvl 20 & 56%)
Day 39: 1% (lvl 20 & 57%)
Day 40: 1% (lvl 20 & 58%)
Day 41: 2% (lvl 20 & 60%)
Day 42: 2% (lvl 20 & 62%)
Day 43: 1% (lvl 20 & 63%)
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Day 50: 1% (lvl 20 & 70%)
Day 51: 1% (lvl 20 & 71%)
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Day 59: 1% (lvl 20 & 79%)
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Day 69: 1% (lvl 20 & 89%)
Day 70: 1% (lvl 20 & 90%)
Day 71: 2% (lvl 20 & 92%)
Day 72: 1% (lvl 20 & 93%)
Day 73: 1% (lvl 20 & 94%)
Day 74: 1% (lvl 20 & 98%)
Day 75: 1% (lvl 20 & 99%)
Day 76: 2% (lvl 21 & 01%)

PLEASE Help Me Pick A Phone!!!!!

Well hello there fellow GameSpotter's, I was wondering if you could help me pick a new phone! Just pick which one you think looks best, but if you know a bit more about a certain phone, please post and tell me what's so good about it or what cool features it has! It doesn't really matter about the cost because it's part of a deal. Thanks alot guys. And I got the deal from Mobile Shop incase your interested :P

The first phone is the Motorola L6

The 2nd one is the Motoroal Razr V3

Nokia 3120

Nokia 6030

This one IMO look pretty schweet!  Nokia 6111

There Is also ment to be one called Sony Ericsson 2530i, but I can't find it on Google :P

My Stuff

Here's My Stuff!
| The Kewl Board | - My UCB

| My Gifts | - Sigs made for me. :P

| My Unions |

The PhotoShop Union - Desgin, Request, Rate.

The Irish Union - Everything only there's Irish people 8)

The Stewie Union - Stewie Griffin, Family Guy, dudes a legend.

The GTA Union - What can I say?

| My Galleries |
May Gallery - Only a few sigs in there.
My Big Old N00b Gallery - About 1 year old.

| My Tutorial's |
N00b Tag Tutorial
My Tag Pattern Tutorial
Grunge Brush Tutorial
Simple Render Blending Tutorial
Brush Instering Tutorial
Font Instering Tutorial

My Gifts

Well these are the things that people make for me, I don't ask them, they just love me :P





Some New Stuff!!!

Well I dunno why I'm posting these....cos I'm a retard...but anyway.....I got a Shotgun Pellet Gun, I think Americans say BB gun, but here's me with it
and heres another pic
I also got another gun with a laser on it.

also tonight I'm getting the Antrim Top
and a hurl :D

:lol: What's a Chinese guy doing playing Hurlin?? Anyway... I got BattleFeild 2 for PC, but everytime I go to play it my PC restarts.. anyone know whats wrong? I'm also getting the new Hitman game somtime this week, and finally I got some new DVD's :D:D:D

and since I posted this blog (this is an edit) I got

I got Rouge Agent beacuse I got From Russia with Love earlier on and it was good



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