I am off to band practice, after school is out. It's 9 AM to 12 PM (how gay is that, honestly)
I hate mornings but more than that I hate carrying huge bass drums on my back......... in the morning. Right..... I'll see y'all later.
brentos37 Blog
Mm... Al Green
by brentos37 on Comments
I love his song I'm so in Love with You. That song owned in Pulp Fiction too :).
The Injustice that is Pulp Fiction on TV
by brentos37 on Comments
Wow, let's start my list of complaints shall we?
- Instead of just putting in a blank sound for the cuss words they put in flippin and floppin and squat and screwed and all that stupid ****. So now every scene is "Flippity flop flippin' floppin' get on the flippin' floor flip, squat."
- They took out the scene where John Travolta shoots up heroin and put in "Mia's Camera" scene, which was deleted by Quentin Tarantino in the original cut.
- Fullscreen, VHS-like presentation made the scenes stupid.
Do you think I'm funny?
by brentos37 on Comments
Seriously, do you think I'm funny on the forums? Just wondering if I try to hard and actually be serious.
SAVE OT (Caps brought to you by Americacorp)
by brentos37 on Comments
Help save OT everyone. It is our home, not to say OT II isn't cool or anything, but it has made the normal OT a living nightmare to be. I still post there and I'm sure alot of OT IIers still do too. Help save OT, if not for yourself, then for the off-topic community. *see Chevolutionary for details*
Made me think about Science and Religion a wee bit...
by brentos37 on Comments
Thread by Chev
I got into an E-Arguement (so fun) with another guy in there and you can read my posts and such. Do you think I'm right?
I got into an E-Arguement (so fun) with another guy in there and you can read my posts and such. Do you think I'm right?
Well, that's interesting...
by brentos37 on Comments
Somehow I went to bed last night at 10 PM EST and woek up the next morning (today) at 10 AM EST, 12 hours of sleep :o
Quitting all my unions
by brentos37 on Comments
Yep, if you invited me to a union and I joined, I'm quitting now. kthxbi
I sent out some PMs...
by brentos37 on Comments
GTA Gunner's Paradise etc. etc.
It's pretty lively, plus it's OT and GTA, so GTA is like the only game allowed to be discussed there, except for it's variations or knock offs etc.
Hit me up with a link little man!
Little Man - Screw you brentos!
It's pretty lively, plus it's OT and GTA, so GTA is like the only game allowed to be discussed there, except for it's variations or knock offs etc.
Hit me up with a link little man!
Little Man - Screw you brentos!
Avatar and Sig have undergone... reconstruction
by brentos37 on Comments
As you can see they've undergone some reconstruction. I hate getting rid of that Pulp Fiction sig because it owns but I will have to part ways with it for now :cry:
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