really? isn't death adder n lachesis good for big hands too? n is it worth the extra $10 over the death adder?
really? k thx :) guess i'll roll w/the death adder right now...just to make a comment, for nyone who is thinking bout getting a lycosa, u shuld! just got one n it wuz totally worth it!
well i'm more of a palm type player, but the salmosa looks pretty sweet, but it doesn't have any side buttons, so now i'm kinda stuck between lachesis and death adder.... u guys vote :) (chose salmosa if u like, but doubt nyone has tried it yet)
i wuld recommend a dell latitude D830 with a duo processor :) n get lots of memorythats wat i have and its perfect kinda pricy though... came out to b a little over 2k w/all the add-ons
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