but y? sony seems to be pushing forward now after e3, and the news of the messed up 360's, y would you trade now of all times? I don't know, just dosen't seem logical.
but y. since I read that you do parkour by holding one button and the guy does it by himself, it's meh. Your just going to make them rush more and put out and unfinished game.
LOL! Did you see the part when he was running with his sword and his legs were moving so fast yet he was moving slow! Ha ha ha it was a joke. And let's not forget when the monster pops out of the ground and does the funny growl, I rofl.
Thats a weird reason to choose the ps3 over the 360. Imo pc beats all systems and should be the standard with all ps3, 360, wii games on it etc. It should be games going up against eachother not systems, but Pc gaming is just too expensive.
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