I have a Radeon x1950 Pro that I bought a while ago. About 2-3 months ago and it said this: "Windows Vista Ready:. Does that mean that when I put it on my vista it will turn into Directx10? Or what does it mean?
Ā Oh, come on!!! At least verify what partitioning does? So I can make sure that partioning will allow me to use both xp and vista. pleeeaaassseeeee :(
Right now I have Windows XP Pro. I want to be able to also have vista without deleting everything and being able to chose from both XP and Vista. If I partition my HDD everytime I boot up I will be able to chose from using XP and vista right? So if Vista is crappy (which it is) I can just use XP without any damage. (i hope) So can anybody recomend a good partitioning program? What are the risks of partitioning if any at all?
[QUOTE="bryan19929"]Im kinda confused. When v sync is enabled it allows the game to go at a higher frame rate than what your monitor is capable of?
Or is it the other way around? 9mmSpliff
It syncs the frame rate to your monitors Hz. So I have a 60Hz LCD and when I run games that I want V-Sync on, they run at 60fps constantly. I only choose games that can run over 60fps all the time. CSS, Doom3 are the only games I do it to.
People mainly do it, so there are no tears say between 2 pieces of road meeting. Or they do it when they turn really fast and see a horizontal tears. Not really a tear tho. Its shimmering, so its when the screen cant keep up with your frames per second your setup is producing. So you v-Sync it to work in sync together.
Hey! Thats whats been happening to me! Those tears when you turn around or the end of my rifle connected to a white line to the wall!
Oh that explains the problems I have been having. Ive been playing Call of Duty 2 and Rainbow 6 Vegas with V Sync disabled and I had some werid unexplanable things happen. When I enabled them on R6:Vegas the glitches dissapeared but it appered that the FPS lowered. Thanx man that helped alot. :)
I have a questoin related to this ^ thing., I have an ATI X1950 PRO and Im playing Battlestations Midway. When I go to video options theres an option that says "force pixel shader 1.1" . When I enableĀ it I see no shading or effects like bloom." and Im not allowed to put shading option or bloom effects. When I dissable "force pixel shader 1.1" Im given the ability to enable shading and bloom effects. Does that mean that my card doesnt have pixel shader?
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