@IanNottinghamX Well the reviews for it s far are: 95,96,97,98, 9.75/10, and the website that hasn't gotten a review right in awhile and has lost tons of respect and credibility, IGN.com gave it a 9.0.
No, greg miller did the review and he didnt really talk about the games problems He also played with someone that sounded like someone he knew, and he acted like a school girl with a crush which probably is the reason why he gave it a 9.0, even when he did the review i though he was going to give the game a 8 or 8.5 not a 9. @Iceman228433
the ps3 only looks worse on fallout 3, but all these games r good if not great, ive played both systems and my opinion is ps3 is better especially with the games gettn ready 2 come out, ps3 is caught up w/ 360 on players online. i think ps3 will probably start 2 take the in march or so, the ps3 already has a 100GB disc that works so that will give them a even gr8r advantage over d 360 disc, not 2 mention d 250GB disc that they have developed. so any1 that thiks ps3 has lost should look at # of players online14 million plus 4 ps3 and a little over 14 million 4 xbox live
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