@angel9ramos7: "....prevents them from adding gameplay features that most people would like." Better argument, but you're still basing it on a false premise. The devs said they left it out for a reason, which means nothing was preventing them from putting it in. Don't get me wrong here, it would be pretty cool, but I'm just saying I can understand their side as well.
@darkninja66613: I haven't even gotten one yet. Not a sheep here. Also, if the failure rate is around 10% or less, that is more than fair for any electronic device. I don't know the actual failure rate, so I can't really comment as to whether it is something to run Nintendo out of town for though. Look at the failure rate of the 360, yet you are here telling people to get a "better console" or PC.
@bryanweary: @angel9ramos7 ""Everything that made sense within the lore of the world, within the story we were trying to tell, we kept. Anything that distracted from it we put to the side…it would distract from the ethos of what we're trying to tell you in the story, it wouldn’t add to the story--it would take away from it."" Here is another valid reason to not have what you are looking for. If not being able to control the robots is such a big issue, then maybe this game just isn't for you. But, I fail to see how it was just something they overlooked, versus something they reasonably left out.
@angel9ramos7: Your argument doesn't really make sense though. A hamburger without meat is not a hamburger, it's a sandwich. Also, I was just going off your comment ""The programmable part of the robots is inaccessible because of _____. Hacking it can only change targeting and not functions."" Their response to you would be ""That's the override. You haven't changed their essential function: if they're a watcher, they watch out"" That almost verbatim answers your question.
@angel9ramos7: "If you look at the function of the machines, they all have a certain purpose within the game," he said. "You hacking them doesn't change what they exist for, it just changes their allegiance. They stop looking at you as a threat and they look at the others who attack you as a threat. That's the override. You haven't changed their essential function: if they're a watcher, they watch out; if they're a steed they'll run fast and if you're on their back, so be it." Took this right from the article bud.
@darkninja66613: I wasn't going to waste my time on you, but screw it, I'm apparently a glutton for punishment. I just want to get this straight, a home/handheld console hybrid that offers multiple ways to game, and puts games and gameplay before pomp and flash, is somehow bad for the industry? You sir or madam are the cancer on the industry. Here's your sign....
@louixiii: Yeahhhh, I haven't even BOUGHT Uncharted 4 yet, let alone started it. Wanted to play the first 3 first(yeah, as a long time PS fan, I am aware that this is blasphemy). XD
edit- by long time fan, I mean since before "PS" was a thing. We're talking the old Sony cassette Walkman days here.....
@louixiii: It's actually out now, but I feel ya. Got Nier, Horizon, and Tales of Bersaria, with The Show, Persona 5, Zelda and others I can't remember currently coming up.....plus my backlog of unfinished games.....such a good time to enjoy this hobby of ours!
BryanWeary's comments