@moonco: Sooo....can you give me some fishing lessons. Or at least fill me in on where your bait shop is located? Cause you always seem to catch a few brandos with your comments. XD
@louixiii: This, this right here. Not that there is anything wrong with indies, quite a few gems from the indie scene, it's just the hypocrisy of some people.
@Flyin3lvl: Just got my first tallneck earlier as well, and I also am working on the forager tree first, but work calls soon, so it's time to hit the hay haha
@naomha1: Seriously, can't wait to get out of work and get back to it. Fortunately my job allows for me to kill some time on the interwebs when I'm not shipping or receiving.
@Flyin3lvl: If you have your capacities at 2, you should be good to go. And I would probably hold off on that lvl25, but hey, if you can do it, more power to ya! Your still pretty early in the game(as am I, I'm not much farther than you), so I wouldn't get too sidetracked by side quests yet(I say that while being guilty of the same thing XD).
@Flyin3lvl: The two health perks in the forager skill tree are very useful. Also, the scavenger perk for getting extra resources from....well...scavenging lol.
BryanWeary's comments