@Barighm: I'm currently not really to worried about it(cable is included in my rent), but should the day ever come that I need to pay extra for cable, it would be nice to just pick 5-10 channels at a discounted rate. It's ludicrous that anyone should have to pay for 100's of channels they don't want or watch.
@camverge: Very valid point, as I was also in the "color me surprised" camp. They definitely redeemed themselves with Redemption though, so I'll keep my fingers optimistically crossed as well.
@Kruiz_Bathory: If the game has an offline component, then what @xpertmom said. The same is true for PS4, though the menu options are slightly different, but similar(dealt with that at one point on my PS when my internet was out).
@davillain-: Actually, I was just hoping for an announcement of a sequel or something along the lines of Super Metroid, Fusion, or Zero Mission. Not sure what to make of Fed Force yet myself, but it's on my GF rental list. I actually thought Other M was okay, but I didn't care for the missile aiming gimmick.
@davillain-:I also think she'd fit the role, but alas, I think you're right. It would be nice to at least get a new side scrolling Metroid for 3DS though.
BryanWeary's comments