Everyone who is **** about a "second rate" machine needs to look at the situation again. Do you own a TV, a car or a stereo? Is it the newest model, months old? No, your car is likely 4 years old, TV a year or more. New models come out, things change. People own Samsung CRT TV's, and don't complain that the company released LCD TV's, thus "Selling them out." Did Honda sell out all people who own one by releasing 2007 models this year? If you think Microsoft is stupid for releasing the new Box you again are not seeing the big picture. A system upgrade to the most popular system (The Wii is closing fast) will sell more units, add publicity and further the lead over the PS3. Take a good look before you go bashing on your older systems, besides you still play the same games the new one will.
I am debating selling my current premium 360 for the Zephyer because of the larger hard drive (mine is almost always maxed out) and the HDMI output (my tv has 2 hdmi, 1 component) and I would like to save the component for the Wii. Is anyone else thinking about upgrading from an older 360? What do you think?
Just wanted to fully understand the differences between the $500 and $600 versions of the PS3. What are the differences other than the 40 gb of storage? I have heard things like no HDMI or WiFi or wireless controllers on the cheaper package, but am looking for some help.
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