So from the Digital Foundry pre release version (which is old and there have been performance improvements since then) The PS4 has higher resolution, better shadows, improved AA and higher FPS than the Xbox One version.
So from the Digital Foundry pre release version (which is old and there have been performance improvements since then) The PS4 has higher resolution, better shadows, improved AA and higher FPS than the Xbox One version.
I spend about 70% of my time gaming on a 130" 1080p projector but I will upgrade that to a 130" 4k projector in the next couple of years, along with that upgrade I will also get a 4k capable PC to go with my consoles. For the time being my PC gaming is done on a laptop for specific games like Cities Skylines, Civ V and the upcoming Pillars of Eternity but when I get the new projector and PC I will spend 95% of my time gaming on the big screen.
It will hit 40 million easily. No doubt about it. More games, increased HDD size, updates and the price drop.... It will happen for sure.
Nintendo continues to be irrelevant and destined for lower sales than gamecube so they wont be stealing sales from anyone.
Xbone will only be stealing some sales during the holidays, but only in america. The worldwide sales are sony land and thats all that matters.
It's not trending towards 20 million at all this year so far so 20 million is out of the question by the end of the year if we look at the amount it sold so far this year. So far it looks like it will only sell between 32-35 million this year. It's selling around the same pace or slightly higher than last year.
I agree, at the moment it is slightly ahead so if the trend holds it is looking at around 15 million for the year, add that to the 18.5 million sold by the start of the year and you are at 33.5 million. I can see a price drop happening and that will provide a bump but I am not sure it will add 7 million consoles. There is the China launch which may help a bit but I am not sure they will be that large a market yet.
I think it is possible to hit 40 million if the stars align but it is much more likely to be in the 35-38 million bracket (assuming a price drop happens).
I am already planning on getting a PC so if Fallout 4 was exclusive to Windows / Xbox I would just push up the time frame for my purchase a bit rather than get an Xbox.
With Alien Isolation (multiplatform) example, the consoles didn't match their PC GPU counterparts with fast single thread CPU performance ie. consoles are limited to 30 fps with frame rate drops during busy scenes.
Consoles doesn't have a single Jaguar CPU core at 3.4 GHz.
You can't just ignore results and confirmation on XBO's single thread DX layer.
O he will ignore the facts at hand because he cant stand the possibility that the X1 could ever get a performance increase of any sort.
I wonder though since the PS4 is in the sane boat as the X1 especially with multiplat games still using the higher level coding of its API with the same inherited issue. Will the use of Dx12 as base for multiplat games improve PS4 cpu usage indirectly allowing the PS4's to improve its performance as well?
I would have thought it would be more along the lines of devs designing around the limitations because if one console can only do so much in a 33ms or 16ms period you have to design your base simulation to work within that limit otherwise you end up with two different simulations which alters the core experience.
If DX11 is having issues then it is likely the devs are doing what they can to make their games work within that limitation but they are applying it to both consoles so the basic experience is the same. They can then tweak graphics and so forth as that is just a visual enhancement.
Once DX12 is released there will be a new baseline for CPU performance. It might be the Xbox One still or it might switch to the PS4 depending on where the APIs are and the raw CPU performance of each console. As we have seen with the DX12 showings and with Mantle it really frees up the GPU to do its job so we should see each console roughly match what the PC does with equivalent GPU hardware.
I think what this shows more than anything else is how much overhead there is in DX11 and how the console CPUs, despite being quite weak, are plenty powerful enough when paired with a low overhead API such as the ones used on the consoles.
So based on more updated numbers we have the following:
1) The AMD number of close to 30 million was clarified as sold to end-users.
2) Rockstar stated that the Xbox One and PS4 had a combined install base of over 29 million.
3) Sony announced the PS4 sold 18.5 million units to consumers as of January 4th.
4) That puts a sold to users figure of Xbox One at 10.5 - 11.5 million.
5) Based on how many PS3's Sony shipped in Q3 we can work out that if Xbox 360 shipped figures are roughly on par with PS3 the Xbox One has shipped about 12.5 million units, if PS3 shipped more worldwide then Xbox One has more than 12.5 million shipped. PS3 has tanked though so it is possible that Xbox 360 managed to out ship PS3 for Q3.
6) PS4 had around 1.5 million units in the channel (19.9 - 18.5) and there were no signs that there was significant channel stuffing.
7) Xbox One seems to have had a bit more channel stuffing relative to the PS4 so putting the channel number at between 1.5 million and 2 million seems reasonable especially considering how well they did this holiday period.
8) Based on the sold to users figure about that puts Xbox One shipped units between 12 million and 13.5 million.
9) With the 10 million shipped statement from the CEO on December 3rd I find much more than 12.5 million shipped by December 31st to be pushing it a bit.
10) Based on that I would put Xbox One sold through as of 31st December 2014 at between 10.5 million and 11 million.
My initial estimate was between 9.5 and 10.5 million sold to consumers as of 31st December so it appears that it is at, or just beyond, the upper end of my estimate.
That puts the world wide sales ratio at between 1.68:1 and 1.76:1 in favour of PS4.
Overall it has been an excellent year for the PS4 and a good year for the Xbox One.
so they didnt take a loss for the price drop? that would be good for ms if true
the tech inside xb1 is less expensive than ps4
xbox one was 350 and ps4 is 400 so they prolly still making money at that price point who knows how overcosted the ps4 is a this time all i know is im not paying 400 for it
rly? thats a bit of a surprise.
and ps4 is making a profit per console from what i know
The RAM is currently cheaper but the APU is more expensive.
should rename the console to
Considering it is the leading console in exactly territories in the world, I say.. Yeah! Let's do that!
I think Xbox One leads in Brazil due to the ridiculous import tax there. MS has a factory there to avoid it by Sony do not.
@misterpmedia: First, no one cares anymore about multiplat resolutions; now everyone does? Make up your minds, cows!
Or, is it: WHen XB1 and PS4 have the same resolution and frame rate; no one is supposed to be caring about resolution and framerates. BUT, when the PS4 has a higher resolution, super cows like @misterpmedia are allowed to make a thread about it.
That's how this little game is going to be played, huh?
Cows gonna cow...
When did you go full lemtard?
Last gen remasters that run the same are neither here nor there, it is the same as upgrading your PC GPU and turning up the settings, at a certain point you have maxed the game even on a less than top end GPU, does not mean your hardware has caught up with the top line stuff though.
Cross gen games are more hit and miss depending on where the devs are putting their eggs although from this point forwards they are likely to be built around current gen and ported to last gen.
Current gen games that have the same performance and resolution on PS4 and Xbox One are worth posting about as it is unusual. Chances are though, outside of a few outliers *cough* Unity *cough* the PS4 version will come out on top.
Full lemtard? I am just pointing out that when there is no difference in resolution, cows renounce it being an issue (such as in games liek AC:Unity). If there is one, it's as if the sky has fallen and the game is unplayable on Xb1.
I care more about it when the XB1 matches the PS4 in a current gen game than vice versa because there is a hardware disparity and it not showing in the final product is a curiosity. In the case of Unity that game just seems unfinished. Like they got to the beta stage and just released it before it did its QA and optimisation runs. I felt the same about Destiny to a degree although in that instance both games were 1080p 30 so the only differences to expect are effects or AA/AF so it felt less like they were leaving performance on the table as they had hit 1080p and their frame rate target.
In the case of remasters or older ports I kind of expect 1080p 30 on both, or 1080p 60 in some cases. Even then the Xbox One does fall behind such as in Metro Redux where it is a lower resolution.
In this case 900p vs 1080p is totally expected due to the hardware so it is not really news worthy.
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