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#1 btk2k2
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I am not going to buy an Xbox One just for this game but if there is a good deal and there are enough other games that interest me I might pick one up during the holidays this year.

On the basis that I do not though I will probably wait and see how long the exclusive period actually is. I will be playing Uncharted 4 anyway which is a similar game so by the time I get a craving for a similar experience chances are it will be out, or due out on the PS4/PC.

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#2 btk2k2
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@mikehockbourns said:

@btk2k2 said:

@mikehockbourns said:

@super600 said:

Middle of 2016 unless the ps4 collapses a bit in terms of sales.The xbox one will sell 15 million by august or september and maybe slightly later or earlier than that

I say earlier for the x1. I think they must be at 13 mill with the strong holiday they had.

They sold ~1.3 million in December based on NPD figures, they are around the 10 million* figure. I expect them to hit 15 million by around holiday this year. PS4 will depend on if they do a price drop or not, with a price drop to $299 they could probably hit 40 million this holiday, if they go to $349 and a game then it will probably be Q1 2016.


On the 3rd December 2014 they said at a shareholders meeting that they had shipped 10 million units world wide. That includes everything sold upto the start of December + all stock that is currently being shipped to stores and DCs. Having 2-2.5 Million in transit at any one time is not out of the ordinary especially for holiday months where shipments will be higher anyway.

That would put sold to consumers on the 3rd of December at between 7.5 million and 8 million. We now know they sold 1.3 Million in December which based on a 65/35 US/WW spit means they are around 9.5 - 10 Million sold to consumers.

Not 100% accurate of course but probably +/- 200k as of the end of December. They are no where near 13 million sold to consumers and they are probably not at 13 million shipped.

sources or stfu.

Sources for your 13 million statement.

The 10 million sold comes from the shareholder meeting and the document with the figure can be found here.

The quantity in the channel is speculation so you can argue the toss here but it will not be less than 1 million and it probably will not be greater than 2.5 million. I think 2 million give or take is reasonable but this is an estimate, we will have a better idea in 6 days when MS release their Q4 report for 2014 which will have shipped figures. Problem is these are likely to be combined with 360 figures so we will not get a clear picture.

The USA/ROW split is based on their last WW sold announcement compared to their LTD NPD figures at that time. It could have changed in some places but I do not think by much and it could have gone either way.

As stated it is not an accurate number, just an estimate based on some reasoning. My range for Xbox One sales to consumers as of the end of December 2014 is 9.3 - 10.2 Million. Quite a large gap because there are many unknowns but to think they would have sold even 11 million to consumers, let alone 13 million is just wishful thinking.

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#3 btk2k2
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@slimdogmilionar said:

@tormentos: K whatever you say I'm not gonna sit here and argue about an estimate I made that could or could not come true, because a smart person realizes that an estimated guess could be true or false. I don't know the exact numbers of xb1's or PS4's sold to customers, I play games not numbers. It's not like M$ or Sony is paying me, or giving me any money from the consoles they sell so I could care less. As long as I'm enjoying the games on "BOTH" systems then I win.

@btk2k2: This is what I was going by: Mehdi also stated that “more than” 10 million Xbox One consoles have been shipped through to retailers. -Forbes

Honestly I don't think M$ can close the gap though, being the type of company they are. I see M$ as a company with a huge ego because they were one of the first companies to introduce mainstream computers to the world so they have this "we know best, because we've been here so long attitude". The xb1 has this written all over it, when you look at the recent history of MS it seems they've become complacent with just doing whatever the F*** they want as long as the company is profitable. Spencer seems like the guy to make a change but I can only imagine how hard his job is trying to keep the old guys happy but also trying to do right by gamers. Maybe they can get the xb1 back on track like they did with the Surface.

The actual quote was "Shortly we will have sold in to retailers more than 10 million Xbox One consoles."

Many places mis-reported it and dropped the shortly qualification because of shoddy journalism.

Here is the original source with the full quote.

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#4 btk2k2
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@slimdogmilionar said:

@tormentos: I know it was 10 million sold to stores but that was announced in the beginning of November. Now take into account that they won November and December NPD, that should but them well above 10 million sold to customers.

I know M$ 10 million includes the 3.9 from 2013, this is not a thread asking about a specific year it ask us to make an estimate on the console numbers. And thats what I did.

10 million will be hard for M$ this year, but it's not impossible neither is anything above 10 million. Unprovable? Impossible? You talk as if you can see into the future, no one knows what either system will do, going by the logic that my guess is unprovable go the same way for Sony no numbers in this thread are concrete they're just estimates.

Like I said in my post before games like Halo and Fable have fans who love those games and a PS4 owner who had a 360 last gen would most likely buy an xbox now, so they could continue to play those xbox exclusives that they miss. This year is unpredictable but my guess would be Sony will keep selling through the roof, I'm gonna add to the Sony numbers in a month or so when I go get my PS4.

It was nearly 10 million sold to stores on November 12th and by December 3rd they had hit 10 million sold to stores. That means you can discount the November results because that will be included in the figure given on December 3rd. It will also include stock that was sold during December but probably not for the whole month.

So December 3rd = 10 million sold to stores which give an estimated figure of 8 million to consumers (based on 2 million in transit and still in stock at that time). That seems quite reasonable to me for a holiday period and we know they did not totally sell out and in some cases have lots of stock left.

In December they sold around 1.3 million units according to NPD data. Given that the USA is about 65% of their market that would put ROW sales at around 700k, this is an estimate based on previous data though so it might be off, especially for the holiday period. That puts their sold to customers at around 10 million. Probably +/- 200k I would have though but closer to 10M than 11 or 9.

As I previously stated though they should hit 15 million by the holiday period 2015 and I would expect them to hit that by black friday at the latest.

PS4 could hit 40 million this year if they do a substantial price drop like they did in the PS2 generation. It is a possibility for them but if they do not do a $100 price drop chances are they will be close but not quite there by the end of the holidays and will probably hit the 40 million at some point in the first half of 2016.

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#5 btk2k2
Member since 2003 • 440 Posts

@mikehockbourns said:

@super600 said:

Middle of 2016 unless the ps4 collapses a bit in terms of sales.The xbox one will sell 15 million by august or september and maybe slightly later or earlier than that

I say earlier for the x1. I think they must be at 13 mill with the strong holiday they had.

They sold ~1.3 million in December based on NPD figures, they are around the 10 million* figure. I expect them to hit 15 million by around holiday this year. PS4 will depend on if they do a price drop or not, with a price drop to $299 they could probably hit 40 million this holiday, if they go to $349 and a game then it will probably be Q1 2016.


On the 3rd December 2014 they said at a shareholders meeting that they had shipped 10 million units world wide. That includes everything sold upto the start of December + all stock that is currently being shipped to stores and DCs. Having 2-2.5 Million in transit at any one time is not out of the ordinary especially for holiday months where shipments will be higher anyway.

That would put sold to consumers on the 3rd of December at between 7.5 million and 8 million. We now know they sold 1.3 Million in December which based on a 65/35 US/WW spit means they are around 9.5 - 10 Million sold to consumers.

Not 100% accurate of course but probably +/- 200k as of the end of December. They are no where near 13 million sold to consumers and they are probably not at 13 million shipped.

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#6 btk2k2
Member since 2003 • 440 Posts

No. It does have nice handling for the type of game it is and it is nuanced enough to make you feel that there is always more laptime available to you which makes it quite addictive.

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#7 btk2k2
Member since 2003 • 440 Posts

@FastRobby said:

@tormentos said:

@FastRobby said:

At least until Forza Motorsport 6 is released

I don't think Forza will beat it,...

We'll see, I truly think it will. It will use DX12, which will enhance the CPU usage, and hold back the GPU less. And of course, if you know that FM5 was built with that shitty SDK, and Microsoft will help Turn10 with their best engineers, we might see some really cool stuff. Unless the developer behind DC, already maxed out the PS4...

FM 6 will not beat drive club graphically. FM 6 is going to be 60 FPS and with the weaker GPU in the Xbox it just will not look as good.

@Caseytappy said:

Still thinking about buying this but although it looks good every movie/picture I have seen looks the same so are there any suburban/city tracks or maybe a real circuit as all I see is this scenic but dull mountain range track, also I hear some people complain it´s not that fluid in the frame rate ?

There are no city tracks yet but they might come down the line. The frame rate is perfect, even with the weather patch. I have not once noticed any slow down at all.

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#8  Edited By btk2k2
Member since 2003 • 440 Posts

@FastRobby said:

@btk2k2 said:

@FastRobby said:

They said sold, not shipped in that meeting. It could be that they misspoke and meant shipped, but you don't know that... My calculations are based on 10mil sold 3th of December, yours on 10mil shipped 3th of December. We'll see what Microsoft has to say in a couple of weeks.

They were speaking to shareholders, sold is shipped in that context because they mean sold to retailers. For it to be sold to consumers on December 3rd they would have had to have shipped more than 10 million by November 12th and they stated they would soon ship that many then. There is no other way to read his statement other than he was talking sold in to retailers.

Why would they had to have shipped more than 10 million by November 12th? Black Friday was 2 weeks later, so it could easily be that they weren't shipping that many consoles yet into retail. Not to mention that a lot of buyers wait until some days before Christmas before buying products to get even better deals.

Because stock does not travel from the factories in China to the DCs around the world instantly and it does not travel instantly from the DCs around the world to the stores around the world. Their November figure of nearly 10 million would have included Black Friday stock. Their December figure of 10 million obviously included Black Friday stock as that figure came after Black Friday. I can imagine their being another large shipment early in December due to arrive in stores the week before Christmas hence why I think their shipped figure was between 10.5 and 11.5 Million by the end of 2014. I think that sold to consumers was between 9.5 Million and 10.5 Million on the same date.

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#9 btk2k2
Member since 2003 • 440 Posts

@FastRobby said:

@btk2k2 said:

They were at ~ 10 million shipped on December 3rd as per the shareholder meeting. That would obviously have included everything that was sold until that date + everything that is still in stock + the next ~ 2 weeks worth of stock. Between December 3rd and the end of December we are left guessing but 1 - 1.5 Million more shipped is not impossible, some of that will arrive and get sold before the end of December and some of that will be stock for January. Based on the numbers they would have sold around 10M to consumers, it might be a bit less it might be a bit more but it is going to be in that ballpark. I would be willing to bet that as of 31st December 2014 they will be closer to 10M sold to consumers than 11M sold to consumers.

They said sold, not shipped in that meeting. It could be that they misspoke and meant shipped, but you don't know that... My calculations are based on 10mil sold 3th of December, yours on 10mil shipped 3th of December. We'll see what Microsoft has to say in a couple of weeks.

They were speaking to shareholders, sold is shipped in that context because they mean sold to retailers. For it to be sold to consumers on December 3rd they would have had to have shipped more than 10 million by November 12th and they stated they would soon ship that many then. There is no other way to read his statement other than he was talking sold in to retailers.

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#10 btk2k2
Member since 2003 • 440 Posts

@FastRobby said:

@btk2k2 said:

They will not have sold 10 million to consumers by December 3rd. At the shareholder meeting he would be talking shipped figures and he stated 10 million. They might be at 10 million sold to consumers by the end of December but much more is just wishful thinking.

I don't see any reason why your claim would be more valid then mine. You don't know how close they were to that 10mil shipped, and how many they had to ship afterwards because they sold a lot. Of the 1.2 million sold in November, how many of them were already shipped? We don't know that, but I'm pretty sure that they are near 11mil sold in total.

They were at ~ 10 million shipped on December 3rd as per the shareholder meeting. That would obviously have included everything that was sold until that date + everything that is still in stock + the next ~ 2 weeks worth of stock. Between December 3rd and the end of December we are left guessing but 1 - 1.5 Million more shipped is not impossible, some of that will arrive and get sold before the end of December and some of that will be stock for January. Based on the numbers they would have sold around 10M to consumers, it might be a bit less it might be a bit more but it is going to be in that ballpark. I would be willing to bet that as of 31st December 2014 they will be closer to 10M sold to consumers than 11M sold to consumers.