ITT the op makes a good point how you can't see the benefit of a stronger GPU if the CPU bottlenecks it...then most of the replies consist of people with an IQ of 2 that don't understand principles of computers.
Sorry OP, it's hard dealing with morons.
yeah idd
it's comparable as pairing an i3 530 with a hd 7850 (ps4) and pairing an i3 550 with a hd 7790 (xbox one), that i3 550 is about 10 percent stronger and since it's bottlenecking it will determine the framerates. What does it matter if you can achieve a bit higher resolution with the hd 7850, that i3 530 will still bottleneck (more)
What sony does is solve this bottleneck with gpgpu tools but in the end it just gives you the same results. However not everyone uses these gpgpu tools. Ubisoft used them and that's why ac unity is running in the same resolution, and because of the cpu bottleneck (gpgpu tools can't solve everything, the ai has to run on the cpu) , the framerates are still a bit smoother on the xboxone. Other games like far cry and call of duty run at higher resolution than on the xboxone, but again the xboxone has smoother framerates because of the faster cpu.
Thx for your input because the cpu bottleneck is crystal clear and it has been mentioned by reviews (that are comparing games on both systems) as well. It's also obvious to anyone that knows a thing or two about pc hardware
I don't understand your reasonsing that XB1 is better over the PS4 when it comes to power. You claim that PS4 has drops, is laggy in GTA5 in places XB1 isn't.....then again people say XB1 is laggy in places it isn't on PS4.....
You keep trying to compare that the CPU is the deciding factor that makes XB1 better. Yet, both systems run with different graphic configurations (this is clearly noticeable from pics when you compare games on the XB1 to the PS4). Unless you have both systems running the exact same specs (resolution and graphic settings) - all you're doing is comparing apples to oranges.
So do this and then come back to us with the results. Contact a developer, have them take a game (GTA5 for example) and hardset graphic settings and resolution to be applied to the XB1 and PS4. Then have them benchmark both and release the results - clearly they won't do this, but you can certainly ask. Until this happens, you cannot say XB1 is more powerful over PS4. You have two systems, with different hardware specs running games that have different graphic settings and sometimes across different resolutions.
I never said the xbox1 was better, i said it was more balanced and that the ps4 isn't stronger than the x1. The x1 has better cpu speed, the ps4 has more memory bandwith and shader cores.
The ps4 has idd better graphic configurations, but the x1 has smoother framerates especially with recent games. The reason is that newer games become more cpu intensive. Last gen games were already gpu intensive but that's something you can easily counter by lowering resolutions, AA, lighting .
Gpgpu tools can solve this problem for the ps4 , but that doesn't leave them with headroom anymore in the gpu departement, so it's clear as day that the systems will grow to each other over time.
Except when you look at jaguar level CPUs being used on the PC with a dGPU you get this. What that is showing is that across 6 games a 28.125% clock speed advantage averages out at a 10.6% FPS advantage when CPU limited. The caveats are that this is done with 4 core Jaguar CPUs (not 8 as in the consoles), it is being paired with a 7970 which is substantially more powerful than the GPUs found in the consoles making CPU limited scenarios a more common occurrence and the API overhead and optimisation level is exactly the same for both CPUs. Even if you ignore those facts though it means that the 9.375% clock speed advantage the Xbox One has would translate to an average 3.6% FPS advantage in similar scenarios. Nothing to really write home about in the end is it? The only real scenario where the Xbox One will receive a decent performance advantage over the PS4 is the scenario where the Xbox One had more optimisation done.
The only games where the Xbox One is smoother are AC:U, which is a total mess and DA:I where it runs at 900p vs 1080p. Most other games the performance is basically the same on both and in a few the PS4 had both a graphical advantage and an FPS advantage.
It would be really interesting to compare the above CPUs in games that are running mantle, that would give a better picture of what the CPU bottlenecking looks like on consoles as their APIs are closer to Mantle in terms of overhead than they are DX11.
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