@Deadly_Nemesis If GTA does not deserve a 10 then I don't know what does. It's popular right now so inevitably people will start t hate it, like apple, sony and soon android and samsung.
@emptycow718 Still two different games, I would say a fairer comparison would be Gears or Halo vs. Killzone or Resistance which MS absolutely sold much more.
@northArrow Not to mention the clutter of having another console in your entertainment center. Paying double for online, now. If there exclusives I need to play on a system i dont have, i just go to a friend. Its that simple.
@emptycow718 This comment is only referring to your game comparison, which I find unfair.
1. TLOU selling 1million copies when it's a new IP is pretty good compared to Halo 4, which has a huge install base spanning 5 games and two generations.
2. TLOU was a niche game compared to Halo 4, which I'm sure many people bought just because that's what their mates would be playing for next month or so.
3.TLOU was a M rated, for the most part single player game, of course a T rated online heavy game will sell more. ie Call of Duty.
@torreth1 @sumoman23 So naive, that might have been true a few years ago. But now Eddie Munster is Gamespot's most proficient troll under their traffic/hits bridge.
I thought it was obvious that this game was going to be on next gen a few years ago when they still said it was in development but no other news, kind of like FFXV and KH3.
bubba_1988's comments