Good for Xbox, they changed their minds on always online (copied sony), they will definitely have a share feature (copied sony), they have blu-ray now (copied sony). Now if they could only mimic sony where it matters.......
While I have no idea of how much this profit is related to Kaz or the Yen (prob the former), it's good news none the less. I'm happy Sony is doing well and hope they continue to do so as they have always made top quality (maybe a bit too expensive ) electronics. I think somewhere along the line when Sony became less innovative it became cool to hate Sony you know like it's cool to hate Apple now and Blackberry before that. I think that comes with being a leader within the industry. I'm sure it will be pretty damn cool to hate on Samsung in a couple of years.
If the rumors were proved to be false, I find it funny that some of you would let a $100 decide what console to get. That extra $100 ensured the lack of PS3 failures compared to xbox. Also i would pay more to for a console with a wider variety in their library of games. And by the way 250GB xbox costs $300? You can get a 500GB PS3 for same price.
bubba_1988's comments