@Sohereiam Apple didn't destroy music they made it more accessible to more people. The quality of music will always change compared to your tastes. Music is always evolving and if you just stick with you genre from a certain period of time, you quickly become a dinosaur my friend. And another thing to address the piracy. I never pay for music. PLEASE don't let the record company's propaganda fool you into thinking internet downloading is ruining the music industry. They just aren't make as much profits as they used to. They have annual profits in the billions. Album sales go directly to the record label with a little trickling down to the artists. Most artists don't mind if you DL their music it spreads the word. Where artists make their money is from touring and that is where I open my wallet.
@deathstream Sony close to bankruptcy? Yeah I don't think so. Sony does own few movie studios and record label or two. Last time I checked those were still making profits.
@Furwings Haha, I appreciate the block of text reply and I completely agree but my comment was directed to @The_Dragon_Born . I guess I should have made it directly to him and deleted your handle.
@Venatorcruiser @jayjay444 Wtf that just seems ridiculous, try books or maybe leave the house when you're out of the country. Or maybe you just have money to waste. . . .
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