@xb0ner @bubba_1988 @nameaprice Yeah those closed servers are open to reviewers well before release date which have embargoes placed on them. Most games use this model. But if your comment was specifically referencing to Destiny, than yes some developers don't give early access for reviews; this typically happens when they know the game is not that good.
It started off slow but it really picked up at the end. I hope they limit the time slow down/speed up b/c it seemed cheap and overused during the dock fight.
@kevvybear @bubba_1988 "it could be that a year or two for now Amazon, Apple, or Google own the PS4 and Sony's name is little more than a memory."
Sounds like the same crap people were saying about Black Berry as early as 09' yet they are still limping on. Don't misread what I'm typing, BB will probably be sold off soon but if they could still manage to be around for 5 years after the "Doom Articles" then I'm sure Sony (a larger more diverse company) will be around well after 2016 as you implied, even if they continue to bleed money.
I would hate to see their TV division go for sentimental reasons, but if they have to drop it then let it happen. As far as home electronics they need to focus on the Playstation brand (a given) but more importantly their cell phones. The smart phone market is still growing as it now expands into the developed world. With Andriod's >50% share of the smartphone market Xperia is a nice alternative to Samsung and HTC. They also need to focus on software and digital content services. That is where the money of today but more importantly tomorrow will be.
That room looks dope, the guy has excellent taste as far as what an arcade should look like. But why convert an apartment? He will never own it, and will always have to pay rent. Why not buy a house and convert the basement or better yet the garage into an arcade. This all makes me wonder why he did not open his own arcade. Never has there been a time when retro is "so in now" and New York city is the perfect place for that. As for his fiance, that's too bad for him but I'm sure he saw that coming a mile away.
bubba_1988's comments