How about a PS4 Pro and God Of War, or the Bundle. A system and game that's actually WORTH IT. The X is overpriced, has enhanced games you've played 100 times, and old 360 games most played YEARS ago. And Sea Of Thieves as most had predicted was a FLOP. Not a good article.
@Keaze_: Not sure what I like about it, at first I wasn't sure I'd like NOT having guns, missile launchers etc. But then I start poking around with a spear, starting fires etc. And it became addictive LOL. Weird how that works. Something funny was right at the beginning I wanted to see what happened when I poked the guy with my spear when going after the Mammoth. He turns on you, and well frankly your dead...once he stabs you to death HAHA!! Was pretty amusing.
And rated horribly by critics and fans alike after ALL of these years of HYPE! Which you won't see happen with God Of War or Detroit Come Human in the next 2 months, I can assure you. MS just need to give up on an NEW IP's, period. Sad but true.
I'm just now enjoying Far Cry Primal which is a blast, I got for 12$ on digital sale a while back. This game just looks like the rest. With rednecks. lol Not very interesting, then again not many games today are. ;p(
Yeah fans don't seem to be digging it, which I pretty much expected. To much hype all of these years, then again very FEW MS exclusives do REALLY well, except the obvious.
Bubba_666's comments