Well I ended up selling it for $450 off of craigslist. :D
bubbablake_2's forum posts
I wasn't planning on buying it or anything, I had built it a while ago and was just checking for the price of it still. That's why all the components are outdated lol.
Wondering the price for this computer.
AMD Athlon II x4 2.6 (Quad Core)
Apevia X-Supra G Type Case
1 GB Video Card (GeForce 9400 GT)
600W PSU
Need anything else let me know.
The only audio plug in it has looks like this male
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and the female plug is like this
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(no plugins for firewire)
I just got a X-Supra case and on the top of the case it has 2 USB ports, a firewire port, and audio and mic ports. However, my problem is how to hook them up. The three cords running from the top look like they can plug into the same three sets pins on the motherboard but my motherboard manual only says that the pins are for USB 2.0. Is the firewire and audio ports using USB 2.0 plugins and is it safe to try and plug them in without burning anything up?
lol yeah. the sad thing was is that I didn't have the ten extra dollars and I had to rely on my sister buying a flash drive so I could get the free shipping. :(
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