bubblepaul's forum posts
I was playing baseball against a mate, lol i actually won too, that was from about 15meters away
It looks awesome
I've not played MP3 yet, but i would imagine it would be better, but should another Zelda be released on the Wii i would be putting a lot of money on it to be better than MP3
But the game looks so amazing that you may as well get MP3 then worry about a component cable another time
I was once like you mate... I ownly owned a Wii, and yes the console is awesome, im thoroughly enjoying it.
But i too faced this predicament, to get a PS3 or a 360. I got the PS3, besides the fact that it plays both PS2 and PS1 games (there are so many awesome games on both systems), we know that in the near future there will be a massive explosion of new PS3 games, and amongst them some awesome titles (Final Fantasy 13and MGS4 anybody?)
yes at present the 360 has some great games (Gears of War etc) and Halo 3 is on the way, but really Sony has an amazing knack for getting some unbelievable titles (God of War, etc)
Presently the 360 would be the way to go, but personally, i looked to the future, and with some of those titles i above mentioned the PS3 would definately be the logical choice.
But dont forget the Wii because that will be the best of the nex-gen consoles
I am a fan of each of the series, in particular Zelda, however prior to e3 SSBB was the game that had most impressed me and what i was most looking forward to.
Since the conferences Super Mario Galaxy has blown my mind. I have always been a big mario fan, and expected awesome things from Galaxy but what i've seen over the past few days was better than awesome, it was unbelievably awesome
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